Eloy Heras, is a retired Navy chief who performs the ceremonial guard for multiple military funerals, every week. During a recent funeral, Heras' uniform caught on fire, damaging a key part of the Navy chief's ceremonial garb. That's when small business owner Danny South and attorney Len Walker decided to step in to help.
The duo launched a GoFundMe page to help raise money to replace Heras' uniform.
"He's been doing this for 20 years." Walker said. "He was even at my granddad's funeral...so it was the least we could do."
South and Walker kicked off the fundraising with $150, soon followed by nine other donations, including one from City Councilmember Randy Burkett. A check on the page, this morning, shows that donors have stepped up to help Heras, raising $1,050. South and Walker's original goal was $400.
According to Walker, the funding will be used to replace Heras' uniform, coat and shoes. There is still some discussion over what the role will be of the extra funds raised, according to Walker, but one idea is to create a fund to help pay for essentials for the ceremonial guard.
For more information about the fundraiser, please visit gofundme.com.