The Amarillo Pioneer

Amarillo's only free online newspaper. Established in 2016, we work to bring you local news that is unbiased and honest.


Current 2017 City Council Ballot

With filing for local offices ending on Friday, January 17th, here is the current ballot lineup for the Amarillo City Council race. 

Mayor (Incumbent Paul Harpole is Retiring):

Ginger Nelson

Renea Dauntes

Jim Lowder (Announced)

City Council Place 1:

Elisha Demerson

City Council Place 2 (Incumbent Lisa Blake is Retiring):

Freda Powell

James Schenck (Announced)

City Council Place 3:

Eddy Sauer

City Council Place 4:

Howard Smith

Burkett Speaks Out: Randy Burkett Responds to Kelly James' KAMR Story

APD Arrests "Fugitive of the Week"