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WTAMU to Present Lecture by Bestselling Author Gwynne

New York Times bestselling author S.C. Gwynne will appear at West Texas A&M University, on Thursday, April 13th.

Gwynne will be presenting the The West Texas A&M University Center for the Study of the American West Garry L. Nall Lecture, "On Offense: Writing West Texas from the Comanche Wars to Tech Football."

"The Garry L. Nall Lectures in Western Studies, named for retired WT history professor and editor of the Panhandle-Plains Historical Review, is part of CSAW’s effort in promoting scholarship and teaching as well as public lectures by bringing noted experts to campus." West Texas A&M University says.

Gwynne has written books, newspaper articles and magazine articles over a variety of topics. Gwynne's resume includes several bestselling books, including: Selling Money, The Outlaw Bank, Empire of the Summer Moon, Rebel Yell and The Perfect Pass.

Gwynne's presentation will begin at 7pm in the Jack B. Kelley Student Center Legacy Hall, on April 13th.

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