The Amarillo Pioneer

Amarillo's only free online newspaper. Established in 2016, we work to bring you local news that is unbiased and honest.


Wife of Attorney General Reportedly Eyeing Bid for State Senator

Angela Paxton, wife of Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, is reportedly eyeing a bid for the Texas state senate, according to the Texas Tribune.

Paxton, a guidance counselor at a private school in Frisco, is reportedly considering running for the senate seat currently held by Senator Van Taylor (R-Plano). Taylor is giving up his seat in the senate to run for the U.S. congressional seat held by the retiring Republican Sam Johnson.

Paxton has become a staple at Republican events in the Dallas County area and around the state. During these events, Paxton frequently performs a song with the line "I'm a pistol-packin' mama and my husband sues Obama."

If Paxton decides to run for the senate seat, she will likely face the Republican frontrunner Phillip Huffines in the March primary. Huffines is the chair of the Dallas County Republican party and is also the twin brother of Senator Don Huffines (R-Dallas).

Band Featuring Amarillo Native to Release Album Next Month

Amarillo-Panhandle Humane Society Needs Dog Crates