The Amarillo Pioneer

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City Bicycle Safety Committee to Host Road Diet Workshop

"The City of Amarillo’s Traffic Engineering division and Capital Projects and Development Engineering (CPDE) department along with the Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Advisory Committee and Share the Road will host a road diet workshop on Thursday, Feb. 1 from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. The workshop seeks to explore the concepts of road diets and evaluate roads that may be good candidates for road diet implementation.

Four-lane undivided roadways often experience poor safety performance with crashes between high-speed through traffic and left-turning vehicles and other road users. Road diets can be a safety treatment for addressing this concern by reconfiguring to three lanes: a through lane in each direction and a center two-way left-turn lane. Road diets may also make better use of the roadway cross-sectional area by implementing features such as bicycle lanes, on-street parking, and improved transit stops.

The workshop is open to all residents but is structured for transportation engineers and planners, safe routes to school coordinators, local police, fire, EMS, and transit representatives, and local community leaders. For more information about the workshop, please contact the Traffic Engineering division at (806) 378-6296."

-City of Amarillo

Road Before, After.png

Willie Nelson Show at Civic Center Selling Quick

Rosser's Ramblings: Be Kind