The Amarillo Pioneer

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Trump: O'Rourke is 'Stone Cold Phony'

President Donald Trump was in Houston on Monday night, campaigning for Senator Ted Cruz’s re-election bid and addressing Cruz’s Democrat challenger, Beto O’Rourke.

During the packed rally at the Toyota Center in Houston, Trump addressed the Cruz campaign’s Democratic rival, O’Rourke. Trump addressed O’Rourke by his full name, and said voters should be concerned about the El Paso native’s positions on various issues.

“Ted’s opponent in this race is a stone cold phony named Robert Francis O’Rourke,” Trump told supporters gathered at the arena. “And he pretends to be a moderate, but he’s actually a radical open-borders left-winger.”

Trump also addressed his well-remembered 2016 presidential campaign feud with Cruz, saying he and Cruz are now friends and colleagues.

“We had our little difficulties,” Trump said. “It got nasty, and then it ended. And I’ll tell you what — nobody has helped me more with your tax cuts, with your regulations, all of the things we’ve been doing with your military and your vets, than Sen. Ted Cruz.”

During the event, Trump did not address Cruz’s Libertarian challenger, Neal Dikeman.

Prior to speaking, Senator Ted Cruz addressed the crowd. Cruz told supporters he expects Trump to be re-elected president in 2020, and plans to work with Trump on key conservative issues, if re-elected this year.

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