A group of Texas citizens will be taking Land Commissioner George P. Bush and others to court over the handling of this historic Alamo landmark.
This week, the Alamo Defenders Descendants Association and other plaintiffs filed a lawsuit against Land Commissioner George P. Bush and others over the handling and care of the Alamo landmark. The lawsuit alleges that members of the association were barred from holding a candlelight memorial service at the Alamo, while other organizations were still allowed to hold their events there. Members of the association feel the reasoning for their being barred from the Alamo was in connection with members’ disapproval over plans to move the Cenotaph.
“We have been wronged by the Alamo complex, the Alamo CEO, and General Land Commissioner George P. Bush,” said Lee White, the Chair of the ADDA in a press conference. “We have decided to draw the line today. Enough is enough and we’re tired of being targeted.”
This news was first reported by the Texas Scorecard.
Bush Campaign