The Amarillo Pioneer

Amarillo's only free online newspaper. Established in 2016, we work to bring you local news that is unbiased and honest.


Martinez: Disappointed Over Amarillo's Response to Homelessness

The following Letter to the Editor was submitted for publication by Michael Martinez

Dear editor and readers of the Amarillo Pioneer,

Today I am writing to you about the City of Amarillo's handling of the homeless situation. A few weeks ago, I saw the residents of the Christ Church Camp of New Beginnings essentially evicted from their shelter by the very people who say they look out for the best interests of Amarillo; the City of Amarillo. This makes me extremely sad.

I cannot comprehend why the City of Amarillo would show absolutely no compassion to the homeless in Amarillo. Many of us do not realize how lucky we are to be in homes with good family and good friends. Just because we have been blessed does not mean that we should look down on those less fortunate.

I am also disappointed in the City of Amarillo's treatment of Mr. Kip Billups. Kip is a good guy who is out there trying his best to make a difference. There is no reason for Kip to get ticketed for sitting downtown.

I am very disappointed in Mayor Ginger Nelson and the other officials for Amarillo. These people should be showing compassion and that is not what they are doing today.

-Michael Martinez

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