The Amarillo Pioneer

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Amarillo College to Host Autism Awareness Event

"Amarillo College will join forces with the Panhandle ABA Resource Association (PARA) on Saturday, April 14 to host an activity-filled morning that includes the inaugural BLUE MAN DASH, a 5K run and autism awareness walk.

The multi-faceted event, also featuring kid-friendly activities, a silent auction, entertainment and refreshments, is from 9 a.m. to noon, at Carter Fitness Center on AC’s Washington Street Campus.

Proceeds from the day’s activities will go to PARA, whose mission is “to provide resources and supports to people with developmental disabilities, and those that care for them.”

Both the 5K, which is an officially timed event supported by the Lone Star Runners Club, and the autism awareness walk will commence at 10 a.m. on 24th Street, on which Carter Fitness Center is located. Registration begins at 9 a.m.

Kids under 10 can join the distance events for free; other participation costs and ticketing information can be found at

Shane Hepler, AC’s chief information officer and co-organizer of the event, said one out of every sixty-eight children in the U.S. is diagnosed with autism.

“We’re excited by this opportunity at Amarillo College to help raise awareness about autism,” said Hepler, who is the father of an autistic son. “We’ll have several vendors representing agencies that are geared toward children and families dealing with special needs.

“We will have food trucks in the parking lot, fun things for the kids to do, a great silent auction, and an official 5K – something for everybody.”

April is National Autism Awareness Month, and AC and PARA are teaming up to mark the observance with what promises to be the first of many annual BLUE MAN DASH events to come. Everyone is invited to join in the fun."

-Amarillo College

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