The Amarillo Pioneer

Amarillo's only free online newspaper. Established in 2016, we work to bring you local news that is unbiased and honest.


Letter: Will Howard Smith Allow Clapping?

The following Letter to the Editor was submitted for publication by Michael Martinez

Dear editor and readers of the Amarillo Pioneer,

I am wondering whether Howard Smith will let people start clapping at City Council meetings if he is elected mayor. I know some people want Howard Smith to run for mayor but I am not sure whether he will be detached from Ginger Nelson. If he can do this, I want to know whether Howard Smith will let people clap.

Ginger Nelson's Clapping-Gate brought enough shame to Amarillo. Maybe Howard Smith will let people clap.

Please note: Councilmember Howard Smith has not stated that he will run for mayor. The next mayoral election will be held in May, 2019.

Photo by Smith for City Council Campaign

Photo by Smith for City Council Campaign

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