West Texas A&M University will break ground on a brand new football stadium this Friday.
On Friday, May 11th, officials at West Texas A&M University will break ground on a new football stadium in Canyon. The ground breaking will featuring speeches from University president Dr. Walter Wendler, athletic director Michael McBroom, football coach Hunter Hughes, and student body president Chandler Huddleston. Brad Stark, the voice of WTAMU athletics, will serve as emcee. Hot dogs and chips will be available for ceremony attendees.
The new stadium will be located east of the current soccer stadium and Jared Hall. The stadium will be constructed on a north-south axis with access to campus. Amenities will include concourse-level suites, elevated club seating and a press box. The stadium will also be split with an upper level of grandstands and a lower level of cast-in-lace concrete surround the field. Berms will also be located at the north and south ends of the stadium for general admission seating and the north berm will be configured to host the WTAMU live mascot, Thunder XI.
The arena is expected to host 8,500 stadium seats with a maximum capacity of 12,000. There will also be expansion opportunities for up to 14,000 permanent seats.
Students at the school voted in 2016 to increase athletic fees to pay for the arena. The arena has an estimated price tag of $38 million, which was approved by Texas A&M University System Regents. The arena will also replace the existing Kimbrough Memorial Stadium, which will be transferred to Canyon Independent School District.
The groundbreaking will take place at 11am on May 11th.
For more information, please visit wtamu.edu
Photo by WTAMU