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Amarillo Catholic Diocese Publishes Names of Priests Accused of Abusing Minors

Editor’s note: The following is a press release from the Catholic Diocese of Amarillo. To see the original release, please go to

The Diocese of Amarillo, as part of its ongoing commitment to transparency, accountability and pastoral care, is publishing the names of 30 former priests who served in the diocese who have been accused of sexually abusing a minor. 
“The Diocese of Amarillo seeks to express regret and apologizes for the failing and sins that have hurt the Church so deeply, especially in our most vulnerable members,” said Bishop Patrick J. Zurek. “The Diocese especially asks forgiveness for the failings of those who have held positions of leadership in the Church.” 
Of the 30, 22 are known or believed to be deceased and five are or were in prison, and one is awaiting criminal trial. None are in active ministry. 
“In conformance with my commitment to transparency in the Church, for the healing, spiritual good, and assistance of victims of sexual abuse of minors by clergy, the Diocese is publishing the names of Roman Catholic clergy against whom credible allegations have been made within the Diocese between January 1, 1950 and December 31, 2018,” said Bishop Zurek. 
Important Information about the geographical boundaries of the Diocese before and after October 16, 1961 
The Diocese of Amarillo was established on August 26, 1926. At the time of its establishment, the Diocese encompassed approximately 73,000 square miles. 
Prior to October 16, 1961, the geographical boundaries of the Diocese included 37,433 square miles of territory that is now part of the Diocese of San Angelo, and prior to June 17, 1983, included 23,382 square miles of territory that is now part of the Diocese of Lubbock. After the divisions of the Diocese, now 25,800 square miles constitute the Diocese of Amarillo; most members of the clergy remained in their new Dioceses. 
Identification of Members of the Clergy 
Members of clergy who appear on this list include: ordained priests of the Diocese, priests belonging to religious orders (e.g., Franciscans, Vincentians, Oblates, Pallottines and others) that served in the Diocese, and extern priests. An extern priest is defined as a priest who was incardinated in another diocese, but was serving in the Diocese of Amarillo with faculties granted by the Bishop of the Diocese of Amarillo. 
Definition of Credible Allegation 
A “credible allegation” is one that the Bishop determines there is reason to believe is true after review of reasonably available, relevant information and after receiving the recommendation of the Diocesan Review Board. The Diocesan Review Board is constituted principally by lay professionals.Beginning in 2002, claims of sexual abuse submitted directly to the Diocese were reviewed by the Charter Review Board mandated by the Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People. The recommendations of the Review Board were presented to the Bishop with recommendations for a determination. Prior to 2002, allegations were reviewed by a committee appointed by the Bishop or the Bishop’s staff. 
A determination that an allegation against a member of the clergy is credible and should be published, is not equivalent to a finding by a judge or jury that the cleric is liable for sexual abuse of a minor under civil law or has committed criminal sexual abuse of a minor under the Texas Penal Code. 
A determination that an allegation against a member of the clergy is credible is a finding by the Bishop that the conduct described in a claim constitutes a violation of the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church. 
Here are the names of clergy with credible accusation of sexual abuse of minors while serving in the Diocese of Amarillo./Nombres de clérigos con acusaciones creíbles de abuso sexual de menores mientras prestaban servicios en la Diócesis de Amarillo. 
Credible accusations occurred in the Diocese of Amarillo/Acusaciones creíbles ocurridas en la Diócesis de Amarillo 
Date Of Birth/Fecha de Nacimiento: 1/16/1908 
Deceased/Falleció: 11/9/79 
Served in the Amarillo Diocese/Sirvió en la Diócesis de Amarillo: 11/1958-9/1960 
            St. Mary’s, Odessa 
            St. John’s, Hermleigh 
            St. Laurence, Amarillo 
            St. Francis Convent, Amarillo 
Date Of Birth/Fecha de Nacimiento: 7/8/1937 
Ordained/Ordenación: Amarillo Diocese 5/26/1962 
Served in the Amarillo Diocese/Sirvió en la Diócesis de Amarillo: 6/1962-6/2002 
            Alamo Catholic High School, Amarillo 
            St. Laurence, Amarillo           
            St. John the Evangelist, Borger 
            St. Joseph, Stratford 
            Blessed Sacrament, Amarillo 
            St. Joseph’s, Amarillo 
            St. Anthony’s, Hereford 
Date of Birth/Fecha de Nacimiento: 7/20/1930, Ireland 
Ordained/Ordenación: 6/15/1957 for the Diocese of Amarillo—Para la Diócesis de Amarilllo 
Served in the Amarillo Diocese/Sirvió en la Diócesis de Amarillo: 10/1957-2/24/1975 
            Sacred Heart, Amarillo 
            St. Elizabeth, Lubbock 
            Our Mother of Mercy, Wellington 
            St. Patrick’s, Shamrock          
            St. Mary’s, Spur 
Date of Birth/Fecha de Nacimiento: 4/26/1940, Ireland 
Ordained/Ordenación: 8/4/1975 Diocese of Amarillo 
Deceased/Falleció: @2016 
Served in the Amarillo Diocese/Sirvió en la Diócesis de Amarillo: 10/1975-7/2002 
            St. Mary’s, Amarillo 
            St. Joseph, Stratford 
            Christ the King, Lubbock 
            Holy Angels, Childress 
            Immaculate Conception, Muleshoe 
            Church of the Holy Spirit, Tulia 
            Holy Name of Jesus, Happy 
            Catholic Student Center, Canyon 
            St. Mary’s, Clarendon 
            Morning Star Hostel/Mark Schupp Center 
Date of Birth/Fecha de Nacimiento: 1902 
Ordained/Ordenación: 1929 Vincentians {location unknown} 
Deceased/Falleció: 11/30/1968 
Served in the Amarillo Diocese/Sirvió en la Diócesis de Amarillo: 10/1958-7/1968 
            Sacred Heart, Littlefield 
            Sacred Heart, Petersburg 
            Sacred Heart, Canadian 
Date of Birth/Fecha de Nacimiento: 11/23/1920 
Ordained/Ordenación: 6/17/1951 Amarillo Diocese 
Excardinated: 2/1958 
Deceased/Falleció: Probably/Problamente 
Served in the Amarillo Diocese/Sirvió en la Diócesis de Amarillo: 10/1951-2/1958 
            St. Francis of Assisi, Amarillo 
            Sacred Heart Cathedral/St. Mary’s, Amarillo 
            St. Mary’s/Immaculate Heart of Mary, Groom 
            St. Anthony of Padua, Dalhart 
Date of Birth/Fecha de Nacimiento: 
Ordination/Ordenación: 1972 Archdiocese of New York 
Served in the Diocese of Amarillo/Sirvió en la Diócesis de Amarillo: 6/18/1972-8/16/1975 
            St. Anthony’s, Hereford 
Date of Birth/Fecha de Nacimiento: 10/2/1902 
Ordained/Ordenación: 5/4/1930, Amarillo Diocese 
Deceased/Falleció: 6/26/1988 
Served in the Diocese of Amarillo/Sirvió en la Diócesis de Amarillo: 9/1930– 1/1944 and 7/1963-8/1965 
            St. Ann’s, Canyon 
            Price Memorial College, Amarillo 
            St. Mary’s, Clarendon 
            Immaculate Conception, Vega 
            Holy Angels, Childress 
            St Patrick’s, Shamrock 
            Our Mother of Mercy Wellington 
            St. John the Evangelist, Borger 
            St. Anthony of Padua, Dalhart 
            Christ the King, Lubbock 
Date of Birth/Fecha de Nacimiento: 9/14/1940 
Ordained/Ordenación: Amarillo, Texas 6/11/1969 
Deceased/Falleció: 11/28/1995 
Served in the Amarillo Diocese/Sirvió en la Diócesis de Amarillo: 6/1969-11/1995 
            St. Hyacinth, Amarillo            
            Sacred Heart of Jesus, Spearman 
            Immaculate Conception, Vega         
            Immaculate Conception, Perryton 
            Alamo Catholic High School, Amarillo 
Date of Birth/Fecha de Nacimiento: 1/30/1929 
Ordained/Ordenación:  5/19/1955, Allentown, Pennsylvania 
Deceased/Falleció: 11/2002 
Served in the Amarillo Diocese/Sirvió en la Diócesis de Amarillo: 9/1992 – 9/2002 
            Church of the Holy Spirit, Tulia 
            Our Lady of Loreto, Silverton 
            San Juan Diego, Quitaque 
            St. Elizabeth Anne Seton, Turkey 
** Abuse occurred in Diocese of Allentown 
**El abuso ocurrió en la diócesis de Allentown. 
**Abuse occurred in Diocese of Amarillo 
** El abuso ocurrió en la diócesis de Amarillo. 
Date of Birth/Fecha de Nacimiento: 4/28/1937 
Ordained/Ordenación: 5/25/1963 in Toledo, Ohio for the Diocese of Amarillo 
Deceased: Falleció: 4/8/2013 
Served in the Diocese of Amarillo/Sirvió en la Diócesis de Amarillo: 9/1963- 12/2005 
            Our Lady of Grace, Lubbock 
            Sacred Heart of Jesus, Spearman 
            Sacred Heart, Abernathy 
            Sacred Heart, White Deer 
            St. Ann’s, Canyon 
Date of Birth/Fecha de Nacimiento: 3/1/1965 
Ordained/Ordenación: 7/13/1996         
Served in the Amarillo Diocese/Sirvió en la Diócesis de Amarillo: 8/1996– 2/2000 
            St. Laurence, Amarillo 
            St. Vincent de Paul, Pampa 
            St. Anthony of Padua, Dalhart 
            Our Lady of Guadalupe, Amarillo 
            BSA Hospital 
Date of Birth/Fecha de Nacimiento: 8/29/1940 
Ordained/Ordenación: 5/25, 1968 
            Amarillo Diocese 
            Lubbock Diocese 7/1983-7/1987 
Deceased/Falleció: 3/20/2005 
Served in the Amarillo Diocese/Sirvió en la Diócesis de Amarillo: 6/1968-7/1983, 7/1987-12/1/2000 
            St. Margaret Mary, Lamesa 
            St. Pius X, O’Donnell 
            Immaculate Conception, Perryton 
            St. Laurence, Amarillo 
Date of Birth/Fecha de Nacimiento: @1929 
Ordination/Ordenación: 1958 Order of St. Benedict Abby, Bennet Lake, Wisconsin 
Incardinated into the Diocese of Worcester. Wisconsin 
Deceased/Falleció: 2008 
Served in the Diocese of Amarillo/Sirvió en la Diócesis de Amarillo: 6/1984-12/1984 
            St. Joseph’s, Amarillo 
In 1993 sentenced to 275 years in prison, Alamogordo, N.M. En 1993 fue sentenciado a 275 años en prision, Alamogordo, N.M. 
Date of Birth/Fecha de Nacimiento: 8/15/1932 
Ordained/Ordenación: 7/6/1965 
Deceased/Falleció: 1/10/1993 
Served in the Amarillo Diocese/Sirvió en la Diócesis de Amarillo: 9/1965-1980 
            Sacred Heart, Littlefield 
            St. Phillip’s, Shallowater 
            St. Michael’s, Ralls 
            St. Pius, O’Donnell 
Date of Birth/Fecha de Nacimiento: 
Ordained/Ordenación: 1947 Pallotines Dublin 
            {Pallotines Dallas Providence} 
Served in the Amarillo Diocese/Sirvió en la Diócesis de Amarillo: 1/1961-7/1966, 2/1971-7/1977 
            St. Joseph’s, Lubbock 
            St. Michael’s, Rawls 
            St. Patrick’s, Lubbock 
            St. Vincent Pallotti, Lubbock 
            St. Anthony’s, Brownfield 
Date of Birth/Fecha de Nacimiento: 2/26/1944 
Ordained/Ordenación: 7/25/1980 
Served in the Diocese of Amarillo/Sirvió en la Diócesis de Amarillo: 1973-9/1980 (teacher), 9/1980-7/2002 
            Alamo Catholic High School, Amarillo 
            Our Lady of Grace, Lubbock 
            St. Joseph, Amarillo 
            Our Mother of Mercy, Wellington 
            St. Anthony of Padua, Dalhart 
            St. Joseph, Stratford 
            Sacred Heart, Canadian 
            St. Anthony’s Hospital, Amarillo 
            St. Mary’s, Umbarger 
            St. Theresa, Panhandle 
            Sacred Heart, White Deer 
Date of Birth/Fecha de Nacimiento: 
Ordination/Ordenación: 6/5/1938, Vincentian Fathers of Western Province, St. Louise, MO, (Vincentian, Southern Province, Dallas, Texas) 
Deceased/Falleció: 5/30/1974 
Served in the Amarillo Diocese/Sirvió en la Diócesis de Amarillo: 12/1941-3/1945, 8/1957-7/1968 
            Holy Souls, Pampa 
            Sacred Heart, Canadian 
Date of Birth/Fecha de Nacimiento: 8/31/1939 
Ordination/Ordenación: 12/18/1965 for the Diocese of Amarillo 
Left Ministry in 1970, was voluntarily Laicized 7/1973 
Deceased/Falleció: 2005 
Served in the Diocese of Amarillo/Sirvió en la Diócesis de Amarillo: 8/1966-9/1970 
            Our Lady of Guadalupe, Amarillo 
Date of Birth/Fecha de Nacimiento: 1/21/1916 
Ordained/Ordenación: 12/21/1947 
            Cistercian Order, Brighton Mass 
Incardinated into the Diocese of Amarillo: 6/8/1954 
Deceased/Falleció: 11/25/1979 
Served in the Amarillo Diocese/Sirvió en la Diócesis de Amarillo: 1951-1976 
            St. Anthony of Padua, Dalhart 
            St. Lucian’s/Price Memorial College, Amarillo 
            Holy Angels, Childress 
            Sacred Heart of Jesus, Spearman (Perryton) 
            Sacred Heart, White Deer. 
            Church of the Holy Spirit, Tulia 
Date of Birth/Fecha de Nacimiento: 11/14/1923 
Ordination/Ordenación: 6/1952 Franciscan Friars of the Atonement, Graymoor, New York 
Deceased/Falleció: 2/2/1992 
Served in the Diocese of Amarillo/Sirvió en la Diócesis de Amarillo: 9/13/1955-1/10/1988 
            St. Anthony’s, Hereford        
            St. Ann’s, Bovina 
Date of Birth/Fecha de Nacimiento: 
Ordained/Ordenación: {SAC – Society of the Catholic Apostolate Pallotines, Ireland} 
Deceased/Falleció: Unknown – Returned to Ireland in 1981 
Served in the Diocese of Amarillo/Sirvió en la Diócesis de Amarillo: 1/1961- 12/1965, 10/1969-8/1981 
            St. Elizabeth, Lubbock 
            St. Anthony’s, Brownfield 
            St. William, Denver City 
Date of Birth/Fecha de Nacimiento: 4/6/1958 
Ordained/Ordenación: 7/16/1988 
Served in the Amarillo Diocese/Sirvió en la Diócesis de Amarillo: 8/1988-11/2007 
            St. John the Evangelist, Borger 
            Christ the King, Sunray 
            Immaculate Conception, Dimmitt 
            Sacred Heart, Canadian 
            Sacred Heart of Jesus, Spearman 
            St. Ann’s, Stinnett 
Date of Birth/Fecha de Nacimiento: 10/8/1941 
Ordained/Ordenación: 6/13/1965 
Deceased/Falleció: 2/11/1978 
Served in the Amarillo Diocese/Sirvió en la Diócesis de Amarillo: 9/1965-2/1978 
            St. Laurence, Amarillo 
            St. Mary’s, Amarillo 
            Holy Angels, Childress 
            St. Ann’s, Bovina 
Date of Birth/Fecha de Nacimiento: @1930 
Ordination/Ordenación: Missionary Oblate of Mary Immaculate, San Antonio, Texas 
Fled to Costa Rica 
Not assigned to the Diocese of Amarillo 
No estubo asignado a la Diócesis de Amarillo 
Allegedly event occurred when conducting a Mission in the Amarillo Diocese. 
Al parecer, el suceso se produjo  al llevar a cabo una Misión en la Diócesis de Amarillo. 
Date of Birth/Fecha de Nacimiento: 8/20/1955 
Ordained/Ordenación: 10/24/1984, Calasanzian Piarist Fathers, Los Angeles 
Served in the Amarillo Diocese/Sirvió en la Diócesis de Amarillo: 7/1991-7/2002 
            Church of the Holy Spirit, Tulia 
            San Jose, Hereford 
*Accusations occurred in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles 
*Acusaciones ocurridas en la Arquidiócesis de Los Ángeles. 
**Accusation occurred in Diocese of Amarillo 
** Acusación ocurrió en la diócesis de Amarillo. 
Date of Birth/Fecha de Nacimiento: 
Deceased/Falleció: 1999 
Served in the Diocese of Amarillo/Sirvió en la Diócesis de Amarillo: 9/1975-9/1980 
            Immaculate Conception, Perryton 
            Holy Cross, Post 
            St. Mary’s, Spur 
Date of Birth/Fecha de Nacimiento: January 3, 1917 
Ordained/Ordenación: June 30, 1942 Diocese of Manchester, N.H. 
Deceased/Falleció: 1984 
Served in the Diocese of Amarillo: Sirvió en la Diócesis de Amarillo: 1/1961-4/1963 
             St. Joseph, Amarillo 
Date of Birth/Fecha de Nacimiento: 10/20/1979 
Ordination/Ordenación: 12/9/2017 Crusaders of the 
Holy Spirit, Parana, Argentina          
Removed from Ministry July 10, 2018 
Served in the Diocese of Amarillo/Sirvió en la Diócesis de Amarillo: February  - July 2018 
            San Jose, Hereford 
            St. Teresa of Jesus, Friona 
            St. Ann’s, Bovina 
Indicted by the Parmer County Grand Jury in October 2018, awaiting trial. 
Acusado por el Gran Jurado del Condado de Parmer en octubre de 2018, en espera de juicio. 
Date of Birth/Fecha de Nacimiento: 4/5/1937 
Ordained/Ordenación: 6/7/1984 Amarillo, Texas 
Deceased/Falleció: 6/22/2017 
Served in Amarillo Diocese/Sirvió en la Diócesis de Amarillo: 7/1984 – 6/1/1988 
            St. Thomas the Apostle, Amarillo 
            St. Joseph, Stratford 
            Alamo Catholic High School, Amarillo 
            St. Joseph, Amarillo 
Since 2002, the Diocese has implemented a comprehensive Safe Environment Program to ensure safety of the children of the Diocese. Any person who works with children as clergy, employee or volunteer must have a criminal background check and participate in Safe Environment Training. In addition to the Adult Training, all children undergo Safe Environment Training every year. 
Every effort has been made by the Bishop, his staff, and the independent Amarillo Diocesan Charter Review Board, to ensure that the list is accurate and those thereupon belong on the list. 
Any person with knowledge of a member of a diocesan clergy whose name is not on the list and who allegedly committed sexual abuse of a minor within the Diocese should report such allegations to the Police Department where the event occurred, and if the victim is still a minor, to Child Protective Services. Additionally, such person should also report the allegations to Sharyn Delgado, Victim’s Assistance Coordinator, by calling 806-671-4830. The Diocese will investigate the allegations and present the evidence to the Diocesan Review Board for its opinion whether the allegations constitute a credible accusation. The Review Board will make its recommendation to the Bishop, who will make the final determination and if the allegation is found to be credible, their name will be added to the list. 

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