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Herman: My Platform for Congress



By Richard Herman, Republican candidate for U.S. House District 13

I believe everyone deserves a fair chance to succeed. Our nation’s success is built on the founding principles of unlimited opportunity, quality education, commitment to hard work, and the freedom to pursue our dreams. I fight every day to ensure that our community is advancing towards meeting these founding principles.

Economy & Education

As the Honorable Congressman Mac Thornberry has stated “To be a true representative, our next Member of Congress should understand agriculture, energy, local contributions to national security, and have a deep understanding of us and our way of life.”

I have a unique understanding of the demographic work needs of our North Texas District; therefore, I will be an instrumental figure in the growth of our economy. I have not only been successful in business but have achieved many national accolades of recognition. I was raised in our district, reside in our district and am dedicated to supporting the push for economic growth throughout North Texas.

I believe that our education systems have a direct impact on the growth of our economy in supporting future innovation while leveraging technology. I believe that the Federal Government should leave this under local and state control as mandated by the 10th Amendment to the United States Constitution.  Why? Because different strengths, grants and skills needed to create job opportunities vary in different areas. 

Health Care

I believe that quality medical care, affordable deductibles, and reasonable prescriptions are issues that affect everyone. This has been increasingly affecting seniors, business owners, students, and families alike because it’s simply not affordable. I believe that current Health Care coverages should be overhauled to provide relief to the people, reform to the base structure and provide necessary recovery from the failed Affordable Care Act because it was not affordable, not voluntary, and prejudicial to the welfare of businesses and individuals alike. It is an issue that needs to be confronted head on, and heavily discussed among politicians, lobbyists, and congressmen with input from business owners and the people. I am pushing for improvement in all areas of the health care industry and is doing everything I can to see a healthier future.

Immigration Reform

I am proud to support President Trump and push for reform throughout the current immigration system which includes building the wall. This is a serious issue of crisis proportions that has been impacting our safety, our economy, education and quality of life for many years.

Protect the Constitution

Our Constitution is under constant attack by the socialist values of the Democratic party who are constantly trying to create new laws that infringe upon our Constitutional rights. One right which is under constant attack is our 2nd Amendment right to bear arms.  I believe that all citizens have the right to protect themselves, their property and their families. I believe that if we allow Congress to infringe upon our right to bear arms that we risk our security of being a free State and the right to protect ourselves against evil.

I am dedicated to defending our constitution and is doing everything to ensure it is not infringed upon.

Improve the Care & Respect for our Veterans & First Responders

I am a combat veteran who is truly passionate about the care and respect given to our veterans and first responders, as it is one that impacts so many people all over our country. I hold this issue close to my heart, working day in and day out to find ways to improve the cause. I will maintain balance within the political system and will keep pushing until the correct balance is reached in giving our veterans and first responders the care and respect they deserve.


It’s time to put families first again, and that starts by supporting measures that make raising children and healthcare for our seniors more affordable. As a husband, son and father, I believe in the importance of family and creating better opportunities for our children and grandchildren. I know that families are stronger when children go to good schools, parents have well-paying jobs, and seniors have high quality health care. If we are truly going to restore our nation, then we must start by strengthening families. I believe our nation must do more to support the family structure and help combat systemic barriers in society which often prevent many families from succeeding.

In God We Trust

Our nation is founded on Christian moral values, Christian beliefs and the basic right to worship as we choose.  I believe that freedom of religion and the right to worship was inspired by divine intervention and should forever be protected from any and all interference.

 Taxes & Balance

I believe that instead of raising taxes on the paychecks, property, and businesses so many hardworking people struggle to earn, we should look at how each agency that receives tax dollars performs versus the expected results.  I believe that agencies should be held accountable for their performance.

I believe that our current spending levels will fail and that an immediate freeze should be placed on taxes at all levels and brought into balance.

I believe that our current method of taxing businesses is not conducive to substantial growth opportunities and that immediate action should be taken to reduce barriers that do not provide for growth.

I believe that one of the main purposes of congress is addressing the budget and that getting back to the basics will produce a balanced budget which in turn will promote better wages while allowing businesses more opportunity.

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