The Amarillo Pioneer

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Purcell: Liberty, Justice, Truth, and Honor

By Mike Purcell

Since the U. S. Constitution was adopted in 1788 our country has prospered, becoming the richest, most powerful nation in history. We have had some big challenges from time to time but our system has allowed us to succeed through it all. Our founding fathers were geniuses, designing a federal government that is both powerful but under the control of the people. Our government derives its legitimacy from the consent of the governed. That means the rule of the ballot box, or as President Lincoln put it "government of the people, by the people, and for the people". As long as the people have the vote we are in control to continue our quest for liberty and justice for all.

If we the people are in control we have a big responsibility to make good decisions. How do we do that? First we must make sure we are well informed and armed with the truth. Then we must make honorable decisions based on reason and not emotion Try this. Find a friend you trust who is on the other "side". Work together to find the facts. Don't stop working until you agree on the truth. Then you have to figure out an answer you both can agree on. Many times you will have to compromise. You know, like with your spouse or significant other. There are 330 million people in America. We don't all agree on much but we have to live together like we have for the past 231 years. Remember, find Liberty and Justice for all by using Truth and Honor.

Our first three presidents, George Washington, John Adams, and Thomas Jefferson had great disagreements about the Constitution and how the government it created would work but they were able to find a middle ground and America is the result. We owe our posterity our best efforts to continue America's greatness. Remember democracy is an honorable task all citizens must perform.

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