The Amarillo Pioneer

Amarillo's only free online newspaper. Established in 2016, we work to bring you local news that is unbiased and honest.


Sod Poodles to Host Entertainment Auditions

If you want to be an entertainer at the Amarillo Sod Poodles’ home games, here is your chance.

On Saturday, February 23rd, the Sod Poodles will host public auditions for national anthem performers, public address announcers, on-field emcees, and mascot entertainers. The auditions will be held at the Gilvin Broadcast Center at Amarillo College’s Washington Street Campus. Auditions run from 10AM through 2PM.

All vocal auditions must be in a capella, and must include the song choice of “Star-Spangled Banner,” or “God Bless America.” Public address announcers, on-field emcees, and mascot candidates must read off a script or materials provided at the same time as the musical auditions. Mascots must be between the height of 5’8” and 5’10”.

To schedule an audition, you are asked to email

Sod Poodles/Provided

Sod Poodles/Provided

Editorial: A Great Community Investment

AISD Field Grows, One Incumbent Remains Unopposed