The Amarillo Pioneer

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Cruz Talks Border Wall Funding at National Conference

Senator Ted Cruz discussed funding for a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border during an interview at the Conservative Political Action Conference in Maryland.

On Friday, Cruz sat down with Rich Lowry, editor of National Review, for his interview. Cruz, a regular at CPAC events, made his first appearance on the stage since topping Beto O’Rourke and Neal Dikeman in this U.S. Senate race last November.

During the interview, Cruz told Lowry that he believes the U.S. House would not be under Democratic Party control today if congressional Republicans had prioritized border wall funding last year.

"In September, October, and it culminated with Republicans standing together funding and building the wall," Cruz said. "I don't think we would have lost the House of Representatives," adding that he believes Republicans were destined to lose at least one chamber if they would not prioritize the funding.

Cruz also called Democrats “batcrap crazy” for opposing funding for the wall, saying Democratic legislators oppose the plan because they oppose Trump and they equate the wall with Trump.

For the full video, see below.

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