The Amarillo Pioneer

Amarillo's only free online newspaper. Established in 2016, we work to bring you local news that is unbiased and honest.


Council Candidate Rosas: The Right to Disagree

By Steven Rosas, candidate for Amarillo City Council Place 4

As I run the campaign trail I have tried to attend any meeting made available to me, not only to shake hands and pass out cards, but to listen to the challenges our city faces as a whole! 

This week I attended Mayoral Candidate, Claudette Smith’s, “Meet & Greet” event held at Hoffbrau Steakhouse. When Ms. Smith spoke she first mentioned that she was a registered Republican. I enjoy the “nonpartisan” aspect of municipal elections, and while I try to escape labels at all cost, I have usually voted Democrat. As Ms. Smith spoke about her background and platform I noticed that, like in the past, our platforms are very similar. We are both for EXPANDED PUBLIC COMMUNICATION, RESPONSIBLE TAX MANAGEMENT, AND A MORE INVESTED COUNCIL, to name a few points…

…Could I have been a Republican this WHOLE TIME?

As of late I find myself asking for a “nonpartisan” government. The ability to choose an individual that is echoing MOST of your values and exhibiting by action that they are concerned about you and your family. 

After Ms. Smith’s presentation I was able to talk to others (also conservatives) in attendance about what their concerns were, and I was not surprised to find that they are the same I’ve been hearing all over Amarillo. I enjoyed the event, the people I met, and it left me grateful for a nonpartisan election; for the ability to show compassion across party lines and for candidates that I could serve beside in a united front toward the benefit of ALL Amarillo citizens! 

Rosas/Photo by Campaign

Rosas/Photo by Campaign

WTAMU to Present 'Carmina Burana'

Amarillo Weather (March 13-15)