The Amarillo Pioneer

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AISD Candidate Anderson: History of Advocacy, A Passion for Education, and A Heart for Amarillo

By Kimberly Anderson, candidate for Amarillo ISD Board of Trustees

Advocating for children and teachers is my passion, and my life experiences make me uniquely qualified for the Amarillo ISD Board of Trustees. I am knowledgeable about education issues from the classroom to the boardroom to the statehouse, and I have a long track record of working for the good of children and public education. My unique perspective as a graduate of AISD, parent of AISD students, and teacher in AISD is one that is desperately needed on the Board of Trustees.

I have a heart for Amarillo. A lifelong Amarilloan and a product of Amarillo ISD, I grew up in Eastridge and attended Eastridge Elementary, Travis Middle School and graduated as Salutatorian of the Palo Duro High School Class of 1999. I taught kindergarten and first grade at OakDale Elementary, and now I have two sons in Amarillo ISD schools as well as nieces, nephews, cousins, and friends. This is my community. I know our challenges and our triumphs, and I’m invested in the success of the students in Amarillo ISD and the betterment of our community as a whole.

I have a passion for education. I graduated Summa Cum Laude from WT and became certified to teach by the State Board of Education in December of 2003 and immediately started teaching at OakDale in January of 2004 where I taught until my first child was born. I was privileged to be able to stay home with my kids until they started school, but now I am currently teaching kindergarten as a long-term sub in an Amarillo ISD school. My experience as an educator offers me specialized knowledge of educational theory, pedagogy, and best practices. It also provides me with institutional knowledge and an inside perspective of the day to day challenges and issues our educators and students face.

I have a history of advocacy. I’ve spent the better part of the last 15 years advocating for children and public schools. I’ve been a classroom teacher. I’ve served on PTA boards. I’ve served on the 2017 Citizens Bond Committee, and I’ve been a part of the College Success Initiative Team. I’ve written and called and lobbied my government representatives. I’ve rallied. I’ve campaigned for public education friendly candidates. I’ve been nominated for AISD Adult Volunteer of the Year 6 years in a row because I’ve spent hours upon hours volunteering. I’ve studied and done the work to educate myself about the issues facing children and public education, and I never hesitate to stand up and speak out when the kids and teachers need a voice.

There has been a lot of talk during this election season about better supporting the teachers in our district. The experience and knowledge I have acquired as a classroom teacher makes me the candidate most qualified to accomplish this goal as a voice and advocate for teachers on the AISD Board of Trustees.

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