The Amarillo Pioneer

Amarillo's only free online newspaper. Established in 2016, we work to bring you local news that is unbiased and honest.


Amarillo City Council Takes Oath of Office

Mayor Ginger Nelson and the current City Council took the dais on Tuesday for another two years.

During Tuesday’s Amarillo City Council meeting, the recently re-elected incumbents were sworn in for a second term after winning re-election on May 4th. The incumbents were sworn in after they approved the canvassing of the votes from the election.

Also, during the meeting, Councilwoman Freda Powell was selected to serve as the mayor pro tempore. This position will allow Powell to discharge the duties of the mayor during City Council meetings for which Nelson is not present.

Amarillo City Council/Photo by City of Amarillo

Amarillo City Council/Photo by City of Amarillo

Participants to Attend AC Poverty Summits

Amarillo Weather (May 14-16)