By Eric Davis
I work for the City of Amarillo. I’m the tree crew foreperson.
I noticed the bees a week before the Chamber of Commerce barbecue. I was worried that someone else would notice the colony and attempt to poison them or antagonize the bees somehow. So I reported it to city maintenance and the us forest service to see about relocating them somewhere safer for people and the (what I thought at the time) small hive.
We then got sidetracked for planting season and installing Christmas lights for the city. But come springtime we really wanted to move them out before they had too much time to get more active. Thankfully Don was available and very able to assist with moving an entire 10 foot log full of bees and I used my Job Corps training to get the bees home down safely as we could.
I’m very happy that the crew I work with was as experienced as they are because me having near a decade of tree work and the rest of the crew ranging from 13-5 years is definitely a great boon.
Safety is our first and main goal and concern for all of us who live with trees, and the few smaller ones that live inside of them.