The Amarillo Education Association is calling upon the Amarillo Independent School District Board of Trustees to better fund teachers and district staff during the upcoming school year.
On Monday, the AEA issued a statement calling for AISD to put more funding toward pay increases for teachers and staff as a result of the Legislature’s passage of House Bill 3. The Association is proposing pay increases of between 4.5 percent and 5.5 percent for teachers, counselors, librarians, nurses, and professional support staff, depending on experience. The group is also calling for an increase in base pay for substitute teachers and a pay increase for hourly workers, among other policy goals.
Organization officials say these proposals would benefit both teachers and students of AISD, if approved.
“We have an unprecedented opportunity to not only give our teachers a real raise, but also to give our students access to the services they need for success by fully staffing our schools,” AEA president Aaron Phillips said. “Our kids must have access to counselors, special education services, librarians, and nurses when they need it, not just enough to meet compliance.”
Photo by AISD