The Amarillo Pioneer

Amarillo's only free online newspaper. Established in 2016, we work to bring you local news that is unbiased and honest.


Editorial: Reflecting on the Past Three Years

Can you believe it has already been three years?

In June 2016, we released our first edition of the Amarillo Pioneer and have been serving the readers of Amarillo ever since. The ride has been an incredibly exciting one, but has also been a tough one at times. Some days, some stories are difficult to report, and some days it seems like there is not much news to report. However, we have worked to provide a solid dose of local and state news for our readers in every edition.

Over the last three years, our writers (myself included) have covered some major stories, have interviewed some important influencers in our community, and have also shared some bold opinions. While we have received praised, we have also received criticism. However, we have never bowed to the pressure of the establishment, even when being berated in front of City Hall or screamed at on the other end of the phone.

Throughout all of this work, our goal to provide real news and opinion to Amarillo has remained consistent. Bringing Amarillo voters new viewpoints, whether from Republicans, Democrats, Libertarians, or everyone in between, have allowed our readers to make informed decisions about their feelings on the issues that shape our time.

I am incredibly proud of the past three years and I am looking forward to many, many more to come.

P.S.: I am also incredibly fortunate to have writers like Noah Dawson and Trent Rosser on our team. Trent has been writing for us since 2016 and Noah has been writing for us since last year. These guys go above and beyond the call of duty and I am so thankful to be able to work with them and call them my friends.

-Thomas Warren III, Editor-in-Chief

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