The next San Jacinto Neighborhood Plan public meeting is scheduled for Tuesday (July 30) from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at Generation Next, 3503 S.W. Sixth Ave. Attendees are asked to enter from Tennessee Street. Food and beverages will be served.
The City of Amarillo, in partnership with Potter County, is developing a progressive plan for the San Jacinto neighborhood. The plan is part of the “BluePrint for Amarillo,” a compilation of pillars and city manager initiatives authorized by Amarillo City Council and updated in 2018.
This will be the third public meeting.
The focus of the meeting will be to discuss areas of focus, goals and objectives for the San Jacinto neighborhood. The neighborhood plan will include recommendations from residents, property owners and business owners regarding specific improvement projects and policy. Community participation will be vital in determining what strategies will be effective.
Neighborhood plans are part of the Economic Development and Redevelopment pillar in the “BluePrint for Amarillo,” the strategic direction for city government in terms of focus and allocation of resources.
For more information go to
-City of Amarillo