Governor Greg Abbott appointed Ruth Ruggero Hughs as Texas’ new Secretary of State this week.
On Monday, Abbott’s office announced the selection of Ruggero Hughs, who will be leaving her position as chair of the Texas Workforce Commission to take the role. Ruggero Hughs will be the first official Secretary of State for Texas after the Texas Senate failed to confirm David Whitley to the post earlier this year.
In a statement, Abbott said he is excited to welcome Ruggero Hughs to the new position.
“I am proud to appoint Ruth as Secretary of State and I am confident that her experience at the Texas Workforce Commission will translate into success in this new role,” Abbott said. “Under Ruth’s leadership, we will continue to build the Texas brand on the international stage and uphold the integrity of our elections.”
According to Abbott’s Office, Ruggero Hughs holds degrees from The University of Texas at Austin and Rutgers Camden School of Law, and is also a member of the State Bar of Texas and the New Jersey State Bar.
Ruggero Hughs/Provided