Zoltan Istvan/Photo by Campaign
Zoltan Istvan is one of several Republican candidates challenging President Donald Trump in Texas’ primary election on March 3rd. While unknown to most voters, Istvan is hoping that a platform of technology and innovation will attract voters when they head to the ballot box.
Istvan is running for President under the slogan “Upgrading America,” with hopes to inform voters about the issues of technology and science facing the country. Istvan said he decided to run for President in 2020 because of that very issue.
“I really don’t feel President Trump is doing a very good job when it comes to technology,” Istvan said. “I felt I had to jump in.”
Pitching himself as a “new type of Republican,” the transhumanist is a self-described fiscal conservative and social progressive. His top priority is working to improve healthcare through the use of technology. While the idea may seem outlandish to some voters, Istvan says the idea is quite popular in places like Silicon Valley, from which he hails.
“It’s time to enhance technology inside the body and out,” Istvan says.
The Republican candidate is pledging to wage a war against heart disease if elected, noting that over a quarter of the population will die from heart disease. Istvan has made this a key point of his platform, noting on his campaign website that he will “spend more money on fighting cancer, heart disease, and diabetes, rather than on wars and conflicts in far-off countries.”
“These are real issues Americans will face,” Istvan said, going on to say that he hopes to “[make] it to where Americans don’t die from something we know will kill us.”
Among his other top priorities, Istvan says he supports “making America great” through winning the technology race against China. Istvan is pledging to devote more resources toward staying ahead of China on that issue.
“If we lose the artificial intelligence race to China…it will devastate our economy,” Istvan said.
Istvan also supports adopting a universal basic income paid for by leasing unused federal land, excluding national parks, and wants to embrace education as President.
“A society that is educated tends to be better off,” Istvan said.
Istvan will face Trump, Bill Weld, Joe Walsh, Bob Ely, and Rocky De La Fuente in the 2020 Republican primary in Texas. For more details about Istvan, you can pick up his book Upgrading America, or visit Zoltan2020.com.