The Amarillo Pioneer

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Candidate Comparison: Railroad Commissioner

From left: Jim Wright, Chrysta Castaneda, Matt Sterett, Kat Gruene/Photos by Campaigns

From left: Jim Wright, Chrysta Castaneda, Matt Sterett, Kat Gruene/Photos by Campaigns

We have asked candidates running for various offices to answer questions for our Voter Guide. While full responses are available here, we are offering you an excerpt in “Candidate Comparisons” ahead of the November 3, 2020 general election. Each response below came directly from the candidate’s questionnaire and is unedited.

Jim Wright, Republican

Candidate did not respond to questionnaire by deadline.

Chrysta Castañeda, Democrat

Occupation: Attorney and Engineer

Why are you the best candidate for voters to support for this position in 2020?

I have over 30 years of experience working in and around the oil and gas industry, both as an engineer and as an attorney. I know both the complex technical and legal issues that face the industry. Oil and gas play a key role in the economic well-being of literally every corner of Texas. Texans deserve a Railroad Commissioner that will protect our precious natural resources and environment at the same time keep one of the biggest parts of our economy functioning.

My opponent, Jim Wright, was held responsible for the clean up of his oil field sludge reclamation facility after the Railroad Commission issued a cease-and-desist letter. Wright was fined over $181,000 as a penalty, and cited hundreds of violations of Commission regulations. The enforcement action is still pending. He has been sued for fraud by his business partners. If Wright cannot follow Railroad Commission laws, he shouldn’t be the Railroad Commissioner.

Matt Sterett, Libertarian

Occupation: Oil & Gas Software Business Owner

Why are you the best candidate for voters to support for this position in 2020?

Very simply, I'm aware of issues that matter & have solutions (as well as the technical know-how) to address them.

Katija “Kat” Gruene, Green Party

Candidate did not respond to questionnaire by deadline.

Candidate Comparison: Lubbock Mayor

Candidate Comparison: State Board of Education, District 15