By Michael Green
2020 has been a challenging year for us all, some more than others. First, let me express my deepest sympathy to all those affected by COVID-19, whether directly or indirectly. I have so far dodged that bullet, other than having to quarantine. That said, I have a lot to be thankful for this year.
Last year, I got a headstart on 2020. I had been suffering with kidney failure for several years and, finally in October of last year, I got a kidney transplant (thank you Angela Green and Sandra Guevara), which forced me to stay in Houston until December, so I missed Thanksgiving. My daughters, Crystal Nelson and Michelle Rivers were with me the whole time, making my situation so much better.
Then on December 22, I was back in the hospital and had to be airlifted by Medevac back to Houston. I had developed gangrene in my left foot, so on Christmas Eve, my leg was amputated below the knee. I stayed in the hospital until March, trying to learn to use a wheelchair and a walker and how to go to the bathroom by myself. Talk about a challenge! I have to thank my whole family for all they did during these 6 months. They made sure that at all times I had at least one family member present; not easy considering my family is scattered around the country. After returning home, I started physical therapy so I could learn to use a prosthetic leg, something I am still working on. But then I developed an infection that had me back in the hospital several times because it is resistant to most antibiotics. Then in August, after an extended period of home IV antibiotics, I finally seem to be clear of it. I have been fairly healthy since. Health can never be overrated!
Now, having said all that, you might think I should be bitter, rather than appreciative, but I see it differently. First and foremost, I am grateful for my family for all they have done. In addition to those already mentioned, my parents’ moral support has meant more than they can know. All my siblings, some of whom were able to be on hand and others who, for various reasons, couldn't be there in person but were in spirit. My nephew Andrew Evens, came down to Houston to keep me company and watch out for me (and keeping my family up to date on my progress) during my last month in Houston after the amputation and has moved in with me to help me adjust and adapt to my new challenges. He has been truly invaluable! I am eternally grateful for the health I have now, thanks in a large part to all the doctors, nurses, and staff at the VA hospitals. I am very thankful for all the wonderful friends who have stood by me and shown support in a number of ways. I am grateful for all the restaurants who have helped by delivering meals. I am grateful for the birds, whose singing has brightened many a dark day. I am thankful for my dog, Tyson, for loving me unconditionally and making me smile every day. I have been through hell, but have come out ok so far, and I am grateful for that. Thank you to all who have helped make my life a better journey. Many of you don’t realize just how important you are, but I will try to be better about letting you know.
Michael Green is an Amarillo attorney and activist