By Treva Harper
The most divisive election I have ever seen has played out before all our eyes. People can no longer discuss their political opinion unless they are in alignment with the official narrative. Again, the national media tells us what to believe. Social media has become the gestapo to opposing opinions. Post anything that is not just what agrees with the national media outlets and you get “fact checked” or even could have your account limited or for some completely shut down. It is clear to the objective mind that a certain point of view is all that is allowed. You cannot question the official narrative or political platform that the media has decided is the only opinions we are allowed to have. Step out of line and they will silence you. After 4 years of Russia Collusion and a supposedly stolen election from Clinton, we are now told there is no voter Fraud while the opposing side launched investigations into said voter fraud. Again, we are told by the media what to believe and they even declare a winner even before many states have finished counting votes.
Again, we are divided into opposing camps decided by the national media’s official narrative. Either be in alignment with them or be an enemy and again, people are silenced and vilified. Socialism and Communism are offered as solutions to the situation. The media made a rush to declare their chosen candidate as a winner and those who did not vote for him are left in the dust of it all. Those who disagreed with the official narrative are labeled as not to be trusted and an enemy of those who spew the official narratives into our minds, our friends, family and even into our workplaces.
Again, we are divided by lines decided by the elites and pushed at us by the media, controlled by social media and it makes us all look at each other with distrust and fear.
When will we stop letting the media tell us our friends, family and coworkers are our enemy? When will we stop letting them tell us what to do and where to go? When will we start acting like normal people again? Never, the answer is there is no going back from this. Because as soon as we try to regain what we used to have as far as free speech, our own opinions and our right to disagree the media will spew forth the official narrative and the masses will continue to believe that the media doesn't lie to us (unless they stray from the narrative). What will the future be? I do not know. But I do know that many American's are tired of it. We are supposed to be a nation of Freedom and Liberty. Yet, every aspect our lives is already dictated to us. Just turn on the TV and it will tell you not only what to think, but what to eat, wear and how to act. If the news does not tell you, your favorite TV show will. Political correctness is in everything from the commercials on the TV to the movies we go see. Schools, social organizations and businesses also present it to us. There is nothing left anymore but the official narrative unless you are willing to be a pariah. Very few people are willing to swim against the current. However, if we do not start doing so we will find all our decisions made for us and Liberty will be a forgotten memory. Only in the most rigid and controlling government systems does this occur. History is full of examples. Socialism and Communism are here, and many will celebrate that fact. They are both not what our founding Fathers wanted for us.
It has been said you vote your way into Socialism but you will have to fight your way out of it. I guess America is going to find out if that is true, because it looks like we are going there full speed ahead with the media telling us how necessary it is. God help us all!
Treva Harper is a former candidate for Amarillo City Council Place 2.