The Amarillo Pioneer

Amarillo's only free online newspaper. Established in 2016, we work to bring you local news that is unbiased and honest.


Former Midland Police Chief Named Interim APD Head



Former Midland Chief of Police Price Robinson has been tasked with serving as interim chief of police for Amarillo following the departure of APD Chief Ed Drain.

According to the City of Amarillo, Robinson will come to Amarillo with 37 years of law enforcement experience. Robinson retired from the Midland Police Department in 2017. During his time at MPD, Robinson oversaw the creation of a civil disturbance unit and the deployment of body cameras for all officers.

Amarillo is currently in the process of searching for a new chief following the departure of Drain last month. The nationwide search is expected to take 90 days to complete.

Ekstrom: Advocating Restrictions on Lobbying by Lawmakers

WT to Present Contemporary Retelling of Historic Play