The Amarillo Pioneer

Amarillo's only free online newspaper. Established in 2016, we work to bring you local news that is unbiased and honest.


City Council Candidate Ramos: Weathered by Society

From now until Election Day, we will be bringing you opinion pieces written by candidates for local office so that you may hear directly from the candidates about where they stand on the issues. If you are a candidate for local office and would like to contribute a piece for publication, please email

Ramos/Photo by Campaign

Ramos/Photo by Campaign

By Ali Ramos, candidate for Amarillo City Council, Place 4

My name is Ali Ramos and I’m running for place four in the Amarillo City Council. I know the whole spiel of, “I’m not a politician so that means you can trust me” to win people over. It’s somewhat true in my case in that you can trust me, but I can’t say that politics doesn’t interact some way in my everyday life. I have a neuromuscular disability that has given me enough critical and creative thinking to last a lifetime to make it to where I am today. I hold a master’s degree in social work along with more than enough life experience with my disability to make up for my seemingly young age of 33. I like to tell people that I’m not wise, I’m just weathered by society’s hurdles.

According to the NASW Code of Ethics, “Social workers should engage in social and political action that seeks to ensure that all people have equal access to the resources, employment, services, and opportunities they require to meet their basic human needs and to develop fully. Social workers should be aware of the impact of the political arena on practice and should advocate for changes in policy and legislation to improve social conditions in order to meet basic human needs and promote social justice.”

Amarillo is still funding the salaries through tax dollar for eight Austin-based lobbyists, even when the legislature is not in session. So, what does that mean for my platform? Instead of actively pursuing budget cuts to the libraries in North and East Amarillo and raising the salary for the city manager, among countless other expenditures, there are parts of our city that need our love and attention. I don’t claim to be knowledgeable in all subjects, but I do know that I’m driven and passionate enough to seek the changes expressed by the community and to learn the things that I do not quite yet grasp. I’d like to pursue using our taxes for activities that will benefit all of our people.

Creating safe community spaces – more recreational areas such as baseball fields and basketball courts in well-maintain parks. Community centers that provide daily activities for youth that are based in skill-building and education for future careers / opportunities. Creating jobs and volunteer opportunities at these locations and parks.

Bus shelters – Amarillo has a great need to provide more sheltered areas while individuals wait for the transportation system. The weather is unpredictable and can cause severe illnesses when faced with heat / cold exposure.

Sidewalks / curb cuts / street repair – Being able to walk to businesses is almost impossible with mobility equipment (wheelchairs, walkers, canes) and can be difficult with strollers due to the state of the sidewalks, curb cuts, or lack thereof. It may force people to walk in this street from the inaccessibility which will also be dangerous because of vehicles and damage to streets.

Turning the food desert into an oasis – It’s incredibly difficult to find fresh food in certain areas of down due to the lack of grocery stores. This means that citizens without access to transportation are often purchasing their meals at convenience stores or fast-food restaurants. Incorporating a healthy, active lifestyle in Amarillo requires access. Ex. Bus stop farmers markets, co-ops, recovering food waste to provide culinary skills to youth while feeding the homeless.

If you know my story, you’ll remember that I’m not just talk. I’m action. You can find more information at Please reach out and share your story because it’s not just about me. It’s about all of us.

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