The Amarillo Pioneer

Amarillo's only free online newspaper. Established in 2016, we work to bring you local news that is unbiased and honest.


Editorial: Michael Hunt Can Defeat Ginger Nelson

Hunt/Photo by Campaign

Hunt/Photo by Campaign

By Thomas Warren III, Editor-in-Chief

For four years now, I have heard many voters complain about the direction of the city, and I can’t say that I blame them. There are many reasons to be disappointed about where Amarillo is going, especially under the egotistical mismanagement of Ginger Nelson. However, while there have been many complaints over the years, nothing has changed, as voters have either been faced with choices that were not viable alternatives or just simply didn’t care enough to vote.

Luckily, this year, voters who are disappointed in the direction of the City of Amarillo have no excuse to stay home or vote for the status quo. If voters want change, there is one viable candidate on the ballot who can deliver change and defeat the status quo.

Businessman Michael Hunt is the candidate who can take on Ginger Nelson and win this year. Hunt has presented a strong fiscal conservative platform and has already outlined his plans to be a representative for every neighborhood in Amarillo. Best of all, while other candidates who are much less viable are making all kinds of promises that can never be kept, Michael’s promises to deliver equal representation and conservative reforms are realistic and can be achieved with the right vision and direction for our city.

Additionally, unlike another challenger in the mayoral race, Michael Hunt will not be a divider and will bring people together to achieve the reforms Amarillo needs. Hunt isn’t promising the non-existent pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, but what he is promising is to be the steady hand Amarillo needs to create the reforms our communities deserve. And while he is working for change, Michael will be guided be his experiences in the worlds of business and educational leadership and won’t concern himself with the petty battles playing out on social media and the Amarillo meme culture.

The truth of this election is that for voters who want a change, of the challengers on the ballot, Michael Hunt is the only candidate who is truly a viable alternative for Amarillo. While other candidates are repeating the same mistakes of the past or running campaigns that have little direction, Michael has put together a strong campaign to take on the incumbent.

With a strong campaign, principled platform, and related experience that would be beneficial to his constituents, in the eyes of this writer, Michael Hunt has clearly shown he is the most viable alternative to put Amarillo back on the right track.

But, now, it’s up to you and the rest of the voters of Amarillo.

Which direction will you go? Will you vote for the status quo? Will you vote for the candidate who has lost before and failed to learn from the mistakes of the past? Or, will you vote for the principled candidate who can put Amarillo first and deliver the reforms Amarillo needs?

I know where my vote is going on May 1, and I hope, like me, you will be voting for real, viable change in Amarillo.

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