Michael Hunt and his wife, Chip/Photo by Hunt Campaign
By Thomas Warren III, Editor-in-Chief
Think back to April 2017, and then fast forward to now. Taxes are higher, government is bigger, and elected officials are less responsive to the concerns of citizens. Certain candidates’ campaign donors have grown wealthier and more powerful, while citizens have been cast out of City Hall and sent away from the public comment podium. Heck, the public doesn’t even know what happens at public comment anymore, as the Amarillo City Council refuses to broadcast it.
These are just a few of the things that have taken place under Mayor Ginger Nelson. Your government has left you behind, while certain people have been prioritized. Nelson has allowed the government to leave certain neighborhoods in disrepair and neglect, while projects to pad the political resumes of elected officials have been placed at the front of the line.
All of these things are bad, and Amarillo voters should be demanding answers in the May 1 election. But how will local voters make Nelson answer for her bad record of higher taxes and a less responsible government?
By voting for new, responsible, and experienced leadership.
However, saying new leadership is easy, but actually delivering results a little more difficult. Some individuals talk a big game, but their platforms amount to nothing more than throwing some memes on social media and hoping that builds them notoriety.
A new elected official who can produce real, conservative results while keeping the public at the forefront of the conversation should be favored by voters. But, who is that person?
I think I have the answer.
Mayoral candidate Michael Hunt, owner of Michael’s Barbeque Shack, is an experienced local businessman who has key experience in all of the areas that will face the next City Council. Hunt has faced the bureaucracy of City Hall first hand and knows what changes need to be made on day one. Hunt has also operated a legitimate business with thousands of customers, giving him an understanding of customer service and business practices that will benefit everyone in Amarillo. With his background in business, Hunt has the common sense business skills needed to take on the challenges at City Hall, with a focus on every neighborhood in Amarillo.
Beyond just his background, Hunt has presented a vision for Amarillo that involves bringing people together. Whereas the incumbent and another candidate in the race have been dedicated to division, Hunt is placing a focus on lifting people up and bringing them together around a common goal of making Amarillo better and more fiscally responsible for everyone. With a strong record and background as a conservative leader, Hunt can deliver results while being a much needed unifying force in local government.
Hunt can bring people together and deliver common sense results that benefit our entire city. Some other candidates will perpetuate the same bad policies that have created problems at City Hall, dividing Amarillo, while putting ego at the forefront.
Voters who are on the hunt for better leadership should look no further. Michael Hunt is your guy.
Amarillo voters who want better leadership should be sure to get out and vote in the May 1 election, or during early voting beginning April 19. And if voters are truly serious about leadership with results, then they should strongly consider checking the box next to Michael Hunt’s name.