The Amarillo Pioneer

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Editorial: Hunt Continues To Prove Himself as Best Choice for Amarillo

Hunt (right) and his wife, Chip/Photo by Campaign

Hunt (right) and his wife, Chip/Photo by Campaign

By Thomas Warren III, Editor-in-Chief

Four candidates are on the ballot for Mayor this year, but for voters looking for a qualified candidate with dignity, integrity, and ideas, there is only one real option — businessman Michael Hunt.

Hunt, owner of Michael’s Barbeque Shack, has continued to present a clear vision for Amarillo based on his ideas for the changes this community needs. Hunt has highlighted his plans for bringing representation to North and East Amarillo, while also addressing issues at critical departments like Animal Management & Welfare.

While Hunt has been talking about issues important to Amarilloans, incumbent Ginger Nelson and challenger Claudette Smith have been attacking each other in what seems like a non-stop parade of insults, half-truths, and despicable campaign tactics. Smith, her significant other, and her supporters have trashed Nelson relentlessly over the past few weeks, while Nelson and her own supporters have recently opened up on Smith. This is in addition to the lovely attack mailers being sent to voters by the campaigns and supporters of both candidates.

Overall, Nelson and Smith are showing what the bottom of the barrel looks like in Amarillo politics. Neither candidate has good ideas for Amarillo and they are both just trashing one another, hoping that Amarillo voters might hate them less than the other candidate.

With the total lack of decorum shown by the campaigns of both Nelson and Smith, I am reminded of why Michael Hunt continues to look better and better as a candidate.

Hunt is a businessman with a track record of success. Hunt was an education leader in Amarillo for years before retiring to start his catering business, which has also been tremendously successful. He has also been involved with numerous non-profits in our community and has been a lifelong conservative, not a fly-by-night “conservative,” like another candidate in the race.

While Nelson raised taxes and mandated large fines on businesses last year, Hunt continued to operate a successful catering operation in Amarillo. While Smith failed to vote year after year and has zero experience serving on any non-profit or civic boards or commissions, Hunt has been deeply involved in the Amarillo community, working with organizations like Southwest AMBUCS, the local Special Olympics organization, and churches in our community.

Hunt has articulated a clear vision for Amarillo — lower taxes, fewer regulations, and a more transparent local government. While other candidates have battled back and forth in an effort to prop up their egos as candidates, Hunt has made it clear that his campaign is not about him, it is about our city, asking Amarillo voters to join forces to “fix Amarillo together.”

Michael Hunt has proven himself as the best candidate on the ballot for Mayor and he continues to prove himself as the right man for Amarillo with each passing day of this campaign cycle.

Personally, I have already voted for Michael Hunt, and I would recommend that Amarillo voters who are looking for a better, more citizen-focused direction for our city should join me.

Come on, Amarillo. Don’t let the mudslinging get you down. Let’s elect Michael Hunt as Mayor and fix Amarillo together.

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