A civic center plan approved last week by Amarillo City Council has received significant criticism from members of the public, with some calling for resignations of elected officials who voted to support the plan.
The plan was approved during the May 24th Regular City Council meeting. According to city documents, the plan’s cost will be $260 million and will include a 29.5% increase in the city’s property tax rate. The plan will not require voter approval as presented.
Among critics of the plan is retired businessman Tom Scherlen. Scherlen campaigned against the 2020 civic center campaign as a member of Save Amarillo PAC and ran for city council in 2021. Scherlen called for the resignation of Mayor Nelson on social media after the plan was approved. Scherlen also called for the resignations of all members of city council other than Cole Stanley, as Stanley was the only member to vote against the plan. Scherlen likened the move to “throwing out a vote on the Civic Center in November of 2020.”