The Amarillo Pioneer

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DENIED: City's Request for Bond in Fairly Lawsuit Rejected

Entrance to the court room. Photo via Amarillo Pioneer Staff.

The City of Amarillo’s attempt to require Alex Fairly to pay a $6 million bond in his lawsuit against the city was denied yesterday by Judge William Sowder.

The lawsuit, which was brought by Alex Fairly, contends that the city’s use of Chapter 1431 anticipation notes to fund Civic Center improvements was not legally done.

The city made a motion to require the “security against suit” bond on July 15th, claiming that delays caused by the lawsuit could cause an increase in the cost of financing the project should the city prevail. However, during a hearing on July 21st, Fairly’s legal team argued that, as the Attorney General’s office has not yet approved the anticipation notes funding the project, Fairly’s lawsuit was not causing a delay.

As previously reported by The Amarillo Pioneer, Judge Sowder ruled in favor of Fairly’s requests to expand discovery in the lawsuit, with the city required to provide documents requested by August 5th. Depositions in the case are scheduled to be completed by September 23rd and the two-day trial is set to begin at 9 am on October 4th at Potter County District Court.

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