Photo via The City of Amarillo
Amarillo City Council is set to meet Tuesday afternoon at 1:00 pm at City Hall for the council’s first regular meeting since August 16, following two special meetings last week where the council approved the city’s budget and tax rate. It appears this meeting will be a lengthy one, with 34 consent agenda items and 16 regular agenda items.
Before the consent and regular agenda items, the meeting will begin as usual with the invocation, which will be done by Doyle Corder of the Southwest Church of Christ, and the proclamations. The council is set to proclaim Constitution Week, Walk to End Alzheimer’s, 135th Anniversary of Potter County and City of Amarillo, and National cleanup day.
This will then be followed by the public address, where members of the public who have signed up online, in person, or by phone before 12:45 tomorrow may address the council regarding agenda items.
The council will then review items on the agenda, discuss National Cleanup Day, the Civic Center Agreement, City Boards and Commissions, and Taxicab ordinance. Updates from council members serving on the Amarillo Local Government Corporation, Environmental Task Force, and Convention and Visitors Bureau will be given. Then, before moving on to the consent agenda, council members will have an opportunity to request future agenda items and reports from the city manager.
The council will then move to the consent agenda and regular agenda items. All 34 consent agenda items may be approved by a single vote if the council chooses, while the 16 regular agenda items must each be taken up separately.
Some items to note on the consent and regular agendas include approving minutes from the previous regular meeting and last week’s two special meetings, budgets for various city districts and Tax Increment Reinvestment Zones, the Amarillo Economic Development Corporation, several grants and grant applications, approximately $4 million in spending, approval of $2 million land purchase by the Amarillo Economic Development Corporation, public hearings and approval of budgets for various Public Improvement Districts, appointment of Jeffrey Henderson and Cindi Evans as part-time municipal court judges, and the city’s taxpayer funded lobbying agenda.
We have full stories on the city’s taxpayer funded lobbying agenda and spending items. To read those, click the links below:
City Council Looks to Spend $4 Million, Including Property Buys
City Council to Consider Taxpayer Funded Lobbying Agenda
The meeting is then set to conclude with an executive session which will not be open to the public.
To download the full agenda packet for the meeting, click here to visit the city’s page with links to the agenda packets.