Powell | Photo by Noah Dawson
According to her ballot application, mayoral candidate and Councilwoman Place 2 Freda Powell is utilizing her official city email address as for her campaign.
On the application, which has been published by the city, Powell wrote “freda.powell@amarillo.gov” in a box asking for a public email address used to “receive campaign related emails.” The email address listed by Powell on the application was provided to her by the City of Amarillo.
One other item on her application turning some heads is her length of residence in both the State of Texas and City of Amarillo. For both, she put “N/A 48 years, N/A months.”
Tonya Winston, the only other candidate for mayor to have filed as of writing, used a Gmail address on her application. Hobert “Gunny” Brown, who is running for Place 4, also used a Gmail address. Tom Scherlen, who is running for Place 3, used a live.com address. Each of these candidates also listed both the number of years and months they have lived in both the state and city. As of writing, no other candidates have had their applications approved and published by the city.
Powell has served on Amarillo City Council since 2017. She announced her mayoral campaign on January 18th. The deadline to file for a place on the ballot is February 17th at 5:00pm. Election Day is May 6th.
Screenshot of Powell’s application, with focus on areas highlighted in article | Graphic by Noah Dawson based on document published by the City of Amarillo