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Former AGN Publisher Launches City Council Campaign Website

Screenshot of the homepage of the website

Les Simpson, a local businessman, former publisher of the Amarillo Globe News, and founding chairman of Downtown Amarillo Inc has launched a campaign website ahead of a rumored bid for Amarillo City Council.

The incomplete yet publicly accessible website,, cites supporting small businesses, improving customer service, improving accountability, prioritizing public safety, keeping taxes low, and considering Amarillo Citizens first as his priorities. However, many of these items only contain placeholder text and no solid details.

Over the last year, Simpson has tried to rebrand himself as an opponent to Mayor Ginger Nelson, making social media posts in support of Alex Fairly’s successful lawsuit against the city last year. In September, linking to a video of Fairly testifying before the Texas House of Representatives Committee on Ways & Means, Simpson posted the following:

Every Amarillo citizen should spend 30 minutes watching Alex Fairly’s testimony in Austin and, even more importantly, the reaction of state lawmakers to his testimony. #May6iscoming

This rebranding appears to be a departure from previous stances taken by Simpson. In 2017, while Simpson was still the publisher of the Amarillo Globe News, the newspaper endorsed Ginger Nelson, Freda Powell, and Eddy Sauer. As the founding chairman of Downtown Amarillo Inc., Simpson helped to spearhead the controversial downtown redevelopment project.

Simpson’s website does not state which place he is running for, but there has been speculation he intends to run for Place 4. Place 4 is currently held by Howard Smith, though Smith has already announced he will not be seeking another term. If these rumors are true, Simpson would join marines veteran Hobert “Gunny” Brown in the race. Former Potter County Justice of the Peace Rich Herman has also teased a run for the spot on social media.

The deadline for candidates to file for a place on the ballot is February 17th at 5:00 pm. Election Day is May 6th. Remember to regularly check for the latest updates on the upcoming local elections.

Margie Gonzales First to File for City Council Place 1

Sherie Wood Files to Run for City Council Place 2