Martinez/Photo via campaign
David Martinez cleared the air during a recent interview regarding rumors he will be switching to the Republican Party in his race for Potter County Commissioner Precinct 1.
“I will be running as a Democrat,” Martinez told Dan Butcher in a recent episode of the High Plains Pundit Podcast.
Speculating as to how the rumor began, Martinez mentioned Potter County Constable Precinct 2 Georgia Estrada, who was first elected as a Democrat but announced earlier this year she is seeking reelection as a Republican. “People might’ve just assumed since Constable Estrada was switching parties that I was going to follow her lead.”
Martinez also mentioned that he isn’t expecting to have any challengers in the Democratic Party Primary. “I don’t foresee having any challengers” Martinez told Butcher.
If Martinez does make it to the general, he will face a challenger from the Republican Party. So far, incumbent Republican H. R. Kelly has announced he is seeking reelection, though business owner Chip Hunt and activist Misty Vigil are challenging Kelly for the nomination.
The primary election is March 5th, 2024.