Tipps speaking at The Amarillo Pioneer Candidate Forum | Photo by Noah Dawson
Don Tipps, a candidate in the open race for Amarillo City Council Place 2, has taken to social media to disavow an endorsement from the Austin-based Protect and Serve PAC.
“I do not accept this endorsement,” said Tipps on Facebook. “One of my main issues in my platform is transparency, and I align myself with organizations that understand the importance and operate using this principle as well.”
As we reported earlier this week, Protect and Serve PAC is based in Austin and utilizes the same consultant as Amarillo Matters PAC. The organization sent out a mailer endorsing Don Tipps, as well as Dean Crump, Katt Massey, and Les Simpson.
Les Simpson also took to Facebook to comment on the mailer. “I have no idea who this group is, what they stand for or who they support,” said Simpson. However, Simpson stopped just short of disavowing the endorsement. Neither Crump nor Massey appear to have made statements on the mailer.