Texas House District 87 candidate Richard Beyea speaks during the High Plains Republican Women forum/Photo by Thomas Warren
The candidates running for Texas House Districts 86 and 87 met for their first forum on Tuesday night.
During an event at Amarillo’s First Family Church, all candidates for House Districts 86 and 87 were present to pitch their visions for Texas. The event was hosted by High Plains Republican Women and was moderated by the group’s president, Cindy Price.
For House District 87, Cindi Bulla spoke first, followed by Jesse Quackenbush, Caroline Fairly, and Richard Beyea. Meanwhile, for District 86, Jamie Haynes and State Rep. John Smithee also spoke.
Aside from the House candidates, candidates running for a number of local offices in the upcoming March primary election also spoke.
The forum was the first cattle call for local candidates ahead of the March 5th primary. Another event for the Texas House candidates is being planned for next week by Amarillo Republican Women.