Please note: Over the next few days, the Amarillo Pioneer’s Editorial Board will be publishing recommendations for various races. In some races where multiple seats are up for grabs, recommendations may be spread out over several days. Please stay tuned to our website for recommendations and for a final list, which will be published next week.
Photo by Pexels
The Amarillo Pioneer Editorial Board offers no recommendation on the City of Amarillo’s Proposition E.
Proposition E would essentially bring our city charter into line with existing state law regarding resign-to-run laws and would update local policies on filling vacancies on the City Council.
One major concern with having this proposition on the ballot is that the effect of its passage is actually affected by whether or not Proposition C passes. In other words, due to the complex legal ramifications of Proposition E, voters won’t know what they are actually voting on until they know if another proposition on the same ballot passed or failed.
Honestly, this proposition is a waste of ballot space. Voters would have been better served by a ballot proposition related to the timing of city elections, rather than when special elections are to be called. However, this is the hand voters have been dealt.
Proposition E would have no major impact on city government — especially if Proposition C fails — and seems to be the least consequential of all the propositions. Therefore, we make no recommendation on this item.
Election Day is November 5th. Early voting begins on October 21st.
Please note: An editorial board recommendation does not necessarily represent the views or opinions of the Amarillo Pioneer’s advertisers or staff. A recommendation of one candidate does not represent a criticism of other candidates running unless otherwise stated. Recommendations may be offered in additional races.