The Amarillo Pioneer

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Letter to the Editor: Response to Opinion by Former Sheriff Richardson

Roger Short/Photo by Campaign

The following Letter to the Editor was submitted by Roger Short, candidate for Randall County Sheriff.

Dear Amarillo Pioneer,

You recently received a letter in reference to my being out of touch with the people and that wearing a “dog mascot” costume did no good. I would like to set the record straight on a few things.

Who all out there has heard the term “Take a Bite Out of Crime”? Pretty much everyone. The “dog mascot” or as I prefer McGruff the Crime Dog was known by everyone. I used it as a tool to gain the attention of our younger crowd and as a crime prevention strategy. Perhaps the reason the former Sheriff thinks of McGruff as a dog mascot is because he never once put it on. He never saw the smiles of the children at parades and schools when I did crime prevention programs as McGruff. Is it “outdated” to want to work with small children and offer them something positive?

He says we have new technology like Ring doorbell cameras to prevent crime. If you believe a doorbell camera will protect and save you, I would say you are mistaken. Families need actual face-to-face crime prevention programs and education to reduce and prevent crime.

It’s been said the DARE program and its teachings are outdated and didn’t work. I talked to a young man recently named Kevin, a very successful RN and medical equipment salesman. He told me that he went to Randall High School. I asked where he went to grade school and he said Lakeview. I asked if he went through the DARE program and he said “Yes! And I was DARE student of the year!” Kevin said he was at Randall High for two weeks when he was offered drugs and because of what he learned in DARE he turned them down. Kevin said his parents never talked to him or taught him about drugs. So DARE was a failure? I think not. What percentage of our youth do you have to save to be successful? 100%, 50%, or the one? Would you rather the drug dealers teach your children or professional law enforcement? We made lasting bonds with youth at one time. But the previous Sheriff would want you to believe these ideas are outdated and out of touch.

I’ve never said I’m bringing the DARE program back but I am bringing back drug/alcohol/tobacco and all substance education in some form possibly of our own design. Yes, times change and so do the ways we can help and provide prevention and education programs.

Currently, you get nothing in the way of actual crime prevention education from the Sheriff’s Office. We can do nothing or we can do something! I prefer we do something!

I for one see our schools locked down, surrounded by fences and guns. Yes, we need to protect our children but school is only 40 hrs a week. What about the other 128 hours they are out of school? What then? What about the summers, evenings, and weekends when they are on their own? Why aren’t we doing everything we can to educate and provide them with education and skills to be safe all the time.

The SOBER program was an awesome program that was tremendously successful in combatting underage drinking and making our streets safer. What we do on the streets to save lives should be of utmost importance and I don’t believe I’m the only one that knows that. I’m bringing that program back!

The former Sheriff touts the SWAT team and how they’re needed. I have no problem with having a SWAT team to respond to incidents but in my 38+ years in law enforcement, I can count on my fingers how many times we actually needed one. The SWAT team during those years was the first deputy on the scene and the second one that arrived. We handled many problems simply by using courtesy and respect.

Yes, times have changed but do you think that maybe if we just took a step back that maybe, just maybe, we can bring back times when people didn’t have to be constantly afraid?

I’ve been told that it’s being said that I’m doing away with jail ministry. Nothing could be further from the truth! I spoke to a church recently and they asked me if I’m elected can they get back in to do ministry at the jail? The answer was yes! I had a mother call me about the same concern. Her son was locked up for a lengthy time and had only seen jail ministry 3 times total while there. I’ll see that it’s expanded.

People are upset over the $1.85 million contract for Amarillo to keep paying yearly to Randall County to house Class C misdemeanors. The people of South Amarillo already pay taxes. You paid for the jail and you pay for the salaries there. Put it this way, a Deputy and an APD officer go to the same call in the city limits of Amarillo in Randall County to the same disturbance call. Each one arrests a public intoxication standing beside the other. They both transport to the jail and the Deputy books his in for free. The APD officer books his in and Amarillo has to pay $350 and $100 a day thereafter. Both arrested individuals committed a crime in Randall County. What difference does the color of the uniform or agency matter? It’s a crime against all in the county. The former Sheriff created the “for-profit jail” situation. The current Sheriff said, “Well most of them come from Potter County”. Well, then provide those numbers but don’t double-tax the citizens of Amarillo for something they’ve already paid for. This situation deserves a lot more scrutiny!

I’m definitely not a part of the good ole boy system that has been prevalent in Randall County over the years. I’m no one’s rubber stamp!

The Sheriff’s Office doesn’t belong to the Sheriff or former Sheriff. It belongs to the people and the people deserve better.

Me, out of touch? I think not. I actually realize what we need to make our county better. If voters do their due diligence and pay attention to qualifications and goals for the Sheriff’s Office of every candidate for office I’ll believe they’ll make the right choice. It’s not about endorsements, it’s about qualifications, it’s about service, it’s about education, it’s about providing the people with actual tools and education to really be safer in their community.


Roger L Short

38+ Years Law Enforcement

24 Years in Supervisory Level Positions.

Criminal Division Lieutenant, Captain and Chief Deputy

13 Years Canyon ISD School Board

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