The Amarillo Pioneer

Amarillo's only free online newspaper. Established in 2016, we work to bring you local news that is unbiased and honest.


Letter to the Editor: Vote Joe Marr Wilson for Judge

Joe Marr Wilson/Screenshot via YouTube

The following Letter to the Editor was written by David Turner.

I’m voting Joe Marr Wilson for 108th District Court and let me tell you why.

Joe Marr Wilson is a good man and a good lawyer. I met Joe Marr Wilson when he knocked on my door last election and I instantly knew this man was a man of character and grit. Joe Marr Wilson knows that a judge must be fair but Joe Marr Wilson also knows a judge must be principled. This means applying the law correctly. Joe Marr Wilson will do this as judge. I am sure of it.

I voted for Joe Marr Wilson in 2022 and I will be voting for Joe Marr Wilson again in 2024. Please vote for Joe Marr Wilson with me and let’s get a fair and principled guy elected.

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