The Amarillo Pioneer

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City Council Casts Split Votes on Incentives & Tax Credits

Photo by Noah Dawson

During their most recent regular meeting, Amarillo City Council twice cast split votes. One vote was on a resolution stating support for an organization seeking state tax credits to develop a senior housing project, while the other was on the approval of an Amarillo Economic Development Corporation incentive agreement.

The first split vote was on an item expressing support for Estacado Estates, L.P. to apply for Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs tax credits. The company seeking the tax credits plans to build housing for seniors at the northwest corner of the intersection at SW 58th and Washington.

While the item alone does not guarantee the tax credits will be approved, if the tax credits are eventually approved, the credits will affect the city’s ability to collect taxes on the property for the project.

The resolution passed with a 4 to 1 vote, with Mayor Cole Stanley voting against. Though Stanley gained a reputation for casting no-votes during his time serving as City Councilman Place 1 under Mayor Ginger Nelson, this was the first item Stanley has been the only no-vote on since becoming Mayor.

The other split vote was on a quarter-million-dollar location incentive agreement with Brushwood Acre Farms, which is seeking to expand operations at a greenhouse located at 701 E. Farmers Ave, just outside of Amarillo City Limits. The agreement involves paying $10,000 per employee over 10 years for 25 employees.

Councilman Tom Scherlen, known for being skeptical towards AEDC incentives, cast the only vote against the project.

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