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Political Action Committee Forms to Support Sanctuary City Ordinance

Image via Pexels

Project Destiny Amarillo PAC is set to spearhead the campaign for the Sanctuary City for the Unborn Ordinance during the upcoming November election.

According to Texas Ethics Commission records, Jennifer Roberts was appointed as the treasurer on July 25th. Roberts was one of the members of the committee that initiated the petition for the ordinance late last year.

The proposed ordinance received enough signatures to put the item before Amarillo City Council earlier this year. However, controversy surrounding some provisions caused even some conservatives to oppose the ordinance.

In particular, concerns were raised about provisions that would prohibit transporting a pregnant woman through Amarillo to receive an abortion. Opponents of the ordinance have called this a “travel ban,” while supporters have referred to it as a prohibition on “abortion trafficking.”

After attempts to negotiate between the petition committee and Amarillo City Council broke down, the committee formally exercised their right to have the item placed on the ballot.

Another fight then ensued over the ballot language, though the council and petition committee were eventually able to decide on a mutually agreeable version of the language. In particular, the committee objected to the word “criminal” being used in a draft version of the language. The committee stressed that the only enforcement mechanism included in the ordinance is through the creation of a private civil right of action. Ultimately, the council replaced the “criminal” language.

While the group is set to lead the campaign for Proposition A, it is filed as a general purpose political committee, meaning it may engage in other activity. So far, the PAC has not yet been required to file any campaign finance reports, with the first one due on October 7th.

The PAC appears to be a spin-off of the larger Project Destiny Texas PAC, a group with ties to anti-abortion activist Mark Lee Dickson. Project destiny has led efforts to push for anti-abortion measures across the state but has also engaged in other activities, including campaigning against a ballot proposition to decriminalize marijuana in Lubbock earlier this year.

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