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Terry Wright - Republican Candidate for Randall County Commissioner, Precinct 2

Terry Wright

Republican Candidate for Randall County Commissioner, Precinct 2

Question: What is your age?

Answer: 71

Q: What is your educational background? Please list any degrees or certificates earned and any institutions attended.

A: Agriculture Business & Economics, West Texas State University

Q: What is your occupation?

A: Bank Trust Officer - Retired

Q: If you are a business owner, please list the business or businesses that you own. (If this question is not applicable, please note that below.)

A: n/a

Q: Please list any civic boards or commissions (non-profit, government, union, political, etc.) on which you have served as a board member or equivalent.

A: Past Chairman - Randall Co. Appraisal District

Past President - WTSU Alumni Assoc. Board

Past President - Tri-State Fair Board

Past President - Coors Cowboy Club

Past President - 100 Club of Amarillo

President - Amarillo Potter Event Venue District

Q: Have you previously held or do you currently hold any elected office? If so, what office(s)?

A: no

Q: If your campaign has any online campaign resources where voters can learn more about you, such as social media accounts or a website, please list them below.


Q: Why did you decide to run for this office in 2022?

A: To continue serving the people of Randall County

Q: If elected, what will be your top three priorities in office?

A: 1) Maintain the current Randall Co. momentum (population growth, residential growth, business/industry growth)

2) Retaining Randall Co.'s First Responders and Civilian Employees

3) Continuing a conservative tax rate

Q: What is an issue you believe has gone overlooked in your race and how will you address it if elected?

A: As Randall County continues to grow, we must make sure we retain the First Responders and Civilian Employees that we train. Outside competition solicits our deputies, firemen and road/bridge employees.

Q: Why are you the best candidate for voters to support for this position?

A: I believe I have the:

1) Experience - over 38 years as a Bank Trust Officer dealing with financial/budget issues, managing farms, ranches, real estate and mineral assets. Supervised and worked with top level professionals.

2) Involvement - have served on numerous community boards and committees, many in a leadership role.

3) Commitment - will serve as a full-time Commissioner, committed to a conservative county tax rate.

Paul "Daniel" Martinez - Republican Candidate for Randall County Commissioner, Precinct 2

Michael D. Grady - Republican Candidate for Randall County Commissioner, Precinct 4