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Dr. Jon Spiers - Republican Candidate for Commissioner of the General Land Office

Dr. Jon Spiers

Republican Candidate for Commissioner of the General Land Office

Spiers/Photo by Campaign

Question: What is your age?

Answer: 59

Q: What is your educational background? Please list any degrees or certificates earned and any institutions attended.

A: B.A., (Honors) Duke University.

M.D., University of Tennessee.

General Surgery, University of Tennessee.

Cardiovascular & Thoracic Surgery, Baylor College of Medicine.

J.D., University of Houston.

Board certifications: American Board of Surgery; American Board of Thoracic Surgery; Fellow, American College of Surgery; State Bar of Texas; Active Medical license held in Texas (also previously Tennessee; Georgia, S. Carolina, Mississippi)

Q: What is your occupation?

A: Attorney

Q: If you are a business owner, please list the business or businesses that you own. (If this question is not applicable, please note that below.)

A: Spiers Group (Law Firm)

Q: Please list any civic boards or commissions (non-profit, government, union, political, etc.) on which you have served as a board member or equivalent.

A: Harris County Republican Party (HCRP) Chair of Engagement (former) and Precinct Chair

Trainer - Operation Wrangler (County Chair /Precinct Chair & Activist training with Republican Party of Texas and Texas Republican County Chair Assoc)

“Take Back Congressional District 7” Leadership Committee 2020

Assistant Scoutmaster Boy Scouts of America Troop 55

Houston Baptist University, Dept of Engineering Board

Methodist Hospital Surgical Innovations Taskforce

HealthCorps Advisory Board (Nonprofit)

"Texas Two-Step" National CPR training initiative

Q: Have you previously held or do you currently hold any elected office? If so, what office(s)?

A: Harris County Republican Party Precinct 87 Chair (Vacated to run for TX Land Commissioner)

Q: If your campaign has any online campaign resources where voters can learn more about you, such as social media accounts or a website, please list them below.

A: Website:

Facebook: Dr Jon Spiers for Texas Land Commissioner

Twitter: @DrJonSpiers

Q: Why did you decide to run for this office in 2022?

A: I am running for the Texas Land Commissioner office because the people of Texas deserve leaders who place the needs of Texas citizens ahead of their political aspirations. Like most Texans, I am tired of politicians who are constantly looking for their next position in their never-ending climb of the political ladder. Too many serve their interests far more reliably than those of the people of our state. I am tired of politicians who make great promises then fail to deliver on them — then promise that they will finally do their job if reelected "just one more time." Time has shown they do not.

Enough is enough. We are in a battle for the soul of Texas. The Federal overreach by the socialists places a target on Texas, our people, and our way of life. We need leadership that will stand up to the external forces-both in and out of Texas. We need new leaders who will do what is right, not serve their political aspirations.

For almost two years, I have traveled the state, on my own time and funds, as part of Operation Wrangler, an initiative focused on helping the Texas grassroots grow stronger. I worked with Republican county chairs and activists to expand and reinforce their networks around Texas. This effort was not part of a political campaign but to support statewide training of the men and women who are the boots on the ground, the local patriots who do the hard work for free. This effort allowed me to learn from Texans in all parts of the state. All agree — Texans are tired of being ignored, tired of being told to accept lackluster leadership and bad behavior from our electeds. Texans are disgusted that our grassroots efforts are taken for granted.

In 2020, as shutdowns became rampant in early COVID, I joined others insisting our Governor get our children back to school. I also demanded we end the inconsistent closing of churches and businesses. No one could deny the economic and mental health damage done to Texans - both old and young. The problems grew, but our state elected officials did very little.

In January 2021, I received daily messages and videos of illegal crossings, bailouts, and damage done on Texas land from friends on the border. I helped draft and disseminate draft language for County Emergency Declarations used by several counties.

I was asked to consider a run for a statewide office throughout this time. After a great deal of prayerful thought, I realized that I could best support our state and our conservative movement at the General Land Office.

As a surgeon, veteran, and, after an injury to my hand ended my surgical career, an attorney; I have the professional, proven leadership skills to do all parts of the job. I have always excelled under pressure, whenever called to duty, and I have the courage and guts to do the hard things that must be done. This office must stand up to protect Texas and Texans' freedom.

The General Land Office has underperformed in its duties.

— The GLO's management of the Alamo has been needlessly controversial and disappointing. Texas history does not need to be reimagined. Texas, her history, her monuments, and her people represent freedom. Under my leadership, the GLO will be certain Texas' history will be preserved, protected, and respected. Texas history and landmarks will not be treated as amusement park attractions. Our great landmarks will be solemn memorials to liberty. Those who have worked so hard and long to preserve our history will play a vital role in the future. Texas patriots like the Daughters of the Republic of Texas will be offered a prominent role in this arena.

— The management of the School Land Board portion of the PSF has been a disaster-so much so that the recent Legislative sessions had to mandate that the two offices communicate and meet.

— The treatment of our Veterans has been painful to observe. Texas veterans and those working to honor our veterans will have an ally at the GLO under my leadership. Almost 1.5 million veterans call Texas home. Our Veterans Care Homes will benefit from a leader who is an experienced surgeon accustomed to working with the Department of Veterans Affairs and an attorney accustomed to dealing with the government bureaucracy/overreach of the Department of Health and Human Services. We will improve the quality of care given to our veterans.

At the Veterans Land Board, we will raise the visibility of the VLB and work closely with the Texas Veterans Commission to improve our service to those who have served our nation. And let us not forget the Texas Veterans Cemeteries. Under my leadership, we will expand our cemeteries and services to Texas veterans and their families.

— The office has failed to aggressively respond to the crisis at our southern border, a matter of state and national security-waiting for the "correct" political winds, rather than doing what we need to do to protect Texas citizens.

— The office has been lackluster in its support of those who provide the fuel, food, and fiber that makes Texas great. Under my guidance, those providing our state and nation the food, fuel, and fiber we need to be independent and strong will always find a friend in the GLO. The GLO will stand with these great Texans, whether defending against federal program overreach that works to limit our farmers, ranchers, and energy producers or supporting access to state lands and resources like oil, gas, and water. I will protect and advocate for private property and water rights.

— The GLO's response to disaster recovery has been delayed, weak, unorganized, and contained within isolated silos. A sluggish response is unacceptable to impacted communities. Our disaster response will be Texan-friendly and aggressive at every step of recovery. No longer will Texans face a mountain of red tape. We will work to get people to safety and start repairs without waiting on the Federal Government.

— The GLO has been slow to implement preventive measures for future disaster mitigation. We need to prepare and NOT just react to external forces.

Finally, I intend to introduce transparency to the General Land Office. Texans should never — and will never — tolerate backroom deals and cronyism. I support an online registry of all transactions by GLO so Texans can see where and how their money is being spent.

I know we can do better. As a man who leads from the front, who has led successful teams — whether in the operating room, in the courtroom, or the boardroom — I work with and for the people. I am confident we will build a safer, stronger Texas.

Q: If elected, what will be your top three priorities in office?

A: 1. Securing the Southern Border

2. Preservation of Texas history, such as at the Alamo

3. Restoring all Texans trust in the GLO by repairing the relationship of the GLO with other stakeholders, including veterans, landowners, and the school board/PSF.

Q: What is an issue you believe has gone overlooked in your race and how will you address it if elected?

A: With the misguided and overreaching ambitions of the federal government to impose its will on landowners, property rights, including mineral and water rights, are at greater risk now than ever. At the GLO, we will work with landowners to preserve and defend their rights. Whether fighting unlawful "takings" through government inaction on our borders or in our heartland, Texans will have an ally at the head of the GLO.

Q: Why are you the best candidate for voters to support for this position?

A: I am a proven leader under pressure-whether in the operating room, the boardroom or the courtroom. I am used to dealing with complex, life-altering issues both in the comfort of a room or in disaster-hit communities. I have led, and continue to lead, teams to excel and achieve even in the face of adversity. I am persistent and never give up. I am a mentor who builds teams and develops large projects through planning and execution. Servant leadership, grassroots activism, and old-fashioned guts set me apart.

I never thought I would seek office. I had marked my course as a surgeon, seeking to serve the people as a healer. I joined the U.S. Army Reserve Medical Corps because I thought our men and women in uniform deserved to have the best of care. As first a trauma surgeon and then as a heart surgeon, I always put my patients first. When I was injured and left with nerve damage to my arm and hand, I did not succumb to the soft temptation of self-pity. I knew I had more to do — I had to find another way to serve. I retrained as an attorney and realized I could help more people fighting government overreach. And fight I did — with great success. As my legal practice began to grow, I became more active in politics; I found that many people needed someone to protect them from government overreach.

I worked to advance our Conservative ideas as a policy advisor fighting against socialized medicine right after the 2008 election. I quickly learned that many of our elected officials — both state and federal — are not really interested in solving problems. I learned that many large groups who claimed to be conservative worked with the very leaders who were undermining our Republic.

I became ever more active in my local party, becoming a precinct chair in Harris County. I spent hours and hours working for our candidates and elected officials. I became the chairman of the Harris County Republican Party Engagement committee, working to grow the party to stem the blue wave that had swept Houston and Harris County. Later, I began to travel the state, traveling thousands of miles to share tools with other grassroots activists so they could fight back against socialism. It was not long before I realized my wife and I (we are both fully committed!) were working full time to help our great conservative cause.

Everywhere I have traveled, I listen to the men and women closest to their communities, to men and women who were looking for something – someone – different. Folks were tired of politicians who failed to deliver on the simplest of requests from the grassroots. They are disgusted with politicians who constantly promise that if re-elected, this time they would finally enact our conservative agenda. And they were tired of being told by the self-anointed party elites who the grassroots "had" to support.

I was asked to run by members of our conservative grassroots for the office of Texas Land Commissioner because I have the skillsets and the guts to stand firm against the Austin machine. When I was told by a power broker that the "elites" had other designs for the office and that I should abandon my candidacy, I never flinched. I will not back down. Texas and her people are too important.

Leaders lead, cowards cower. Look for me at the front.

Victor Avila - Republican Candidate for Commissioner of the General Land Office

Ed Ireson - Democratic Candidate for Commissioner of Agriculture