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Quenton Todd Hatter - Republican Candidate for District Judge, 181st Judicial District

Quenton Todd Hatter

Republican Candidate for District Judge, 181st Judicial District

Hatter/Photo by Campaign

Question: What is your age?

Answer: 59

Q: What is your educational background? Please list any degrees or certificates earned and any institutions attended.

A: J.D. Oklahoma City University School of Law, B.B.A. Texas Tech University (Major was Management Information Systems for pre-law), Intermediate Peace Officers Certificate issued by TCLEOSE - Texas Commission on Law Enforcement Standards Education, MCSE (Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer), CCNA (Cisco Certified Networking Associate), LCTE (Lucent Certified Technical Expert in ATM, FRAME relay and Internetworking, 7 college hours of criminal justice through Amarillo College, and 34 college hours through TSTI (Texas State Technical Institute - taking welding, fabrication, and print reading)

Q: What is your occupation?

A: Amarillo Attorney (Criminal, Civil, Family Law)

Q: If you are a business owner, please list the business or businesses that you own. (If this question is not applicable, please note that below.)

A: Hatter Law Firm, 821 SW 9TH Avenue, Amarillo, Texas 79101

Q: Please list any civic boards or commissions (non-profit, government, union, political, etc.) on which you have served as a board member or equivalent.

A: N/A

Q: Have you previously held or do you currently hold any elected office? If so, what office(s)?

A: N/A

Q: If your campaign has any online campaign resources where voters can learn more about you, such as social media accounts or a website, please list them below.


Q: Why did you decide to run for this office in 2022?

A: The Judicial System needs a fair Judge chosen by the people, where the people receive what they deserve, a FAIR CHANCE to present their dispute to a patient, impartial judge, in a courtroom where race, politics, and money cannot determine winners and losers! I will be that Judge if elected and that is my promise!

Q: If elected, what will be your top three priorities in office?

A: 1. Be honest and impartial. 2. Be unintimidated and be available. 3. Work hard as a public servant while honoring my oath of office and providing a professional courtroom that the people will be proud of.

Q: What is an issue you believe has gone overlooked in your race and how will you address it if elected?

A: Money/power/politics. If I am elected, justice will not be for sale and no law firm, real estate broker, or other power player will have any influence on me, my staff, or the people's courtroom!

Q: Why are you the best candidate for voters to support for this position?

A: I am the most qualified candidate with the most legal experience. I have tried around 400 cases in front of more than 50 judges. I have trial experience with cases including: murder, sexual assault of a child, aggravated robbery, manufacture/delivery of a controlled substance, juvenile cases, divorce, child custody disputes, mental health issues, contract disputes, and more. I served as a Texas Police Officer for more than 6 years. I am a native Texan, born and raised in the Texas Panhandle, born in Dumas, Texas. I am old enough to have learned life's lessons and gained experience, yet young enough to still remember the lessons and benefit from the experience gained. I am NOT one of the good ole boys, I AM ONE OF YOU!

Titiana D. Frausto - Republican Candidate for District Judge, 181st Judicial District

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