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Bill Jenkins - Canyon ISD Board of Trustees, Place 4

Bill Jenkins

Incumbent Candidate for Canyon ISD Board of Trustees, Place 4

Jenkins/Photo by CISD

Jenkins/Photo by CISD

Question: What is your age?

Answer: 51

Q: What is your educational background?

A: BBA - Accounting - Abilene Christian University 1992; Certified Public Accountant, license #071289

Q: What is your occupation?

A: Financial Advisor and Private Wealth Manager

Q: If you are a business owner, please list the business or businesses that you own.

A: Jenkins Wealth Management, LLC

Q: Please list any civic boards or commissions (non-profit, government, union, political, etc.) on which you have served as a board member or equivalent.

A: Amarillo Chamber of Commerce - Past Chairman of the Board, Executive Committee, and Chairman of the Business Council Committee

Canyon ISD Education Foundation - Board Member

Q: If your campaign has any online campaign resources where voters can learn more about you, such as social media accounts or a website, please list them below.

A: Facebook - Bill Jenkins for Canyon ISD School Board, Place 4;

Business Website -

Q: Why did you decide to run for this office in 2021?

A: It has been an honor and privilege to serve this great district since first elected in 2015. Our current board is truly an exceptional team that works extremely well together. We have accomplished many great things and are excited about the future of Canyon ISD. With the support and involvement of our community, we were able to pass our $197 million bond to fund a two new elementary schools, a new high school, major renovation of Randall High, purchase and renovation of the old Kimbrough Stadium, and much needed renovations across the district. We have many great things in process that are in different stages of completion. We as a board are always striving for higher levels of excellence, constantly setting higher goals, and strategizing to accomplish them. Our mission is to prepare and empower the students of Canyon ISD for Lifelong Success! I am so proud of our district and our accomplishments, and have a strong desire to continue building our culture of excellence and pride. We have become a "Destination District" that attracts the best teachers, the best administrators, and provides our students the best opportunities. We have a lot to be proud of!

Q: If elected, what will be your top three priorities in office?

A: 1) Getting the best return on investment of our taxpayer's dollars to provide the best education for our students that gives them the most available options and opportunities to provide them college/career readiness. 2) Provide leadership in setting and maintaining high goals, expectations, and accountability for Administrators, Staff, and Students that reflect our culture of excellence for Canyon ISD. 3) Continue Fiscal Budgetary diligence that allows us to have one of the cheapest tax rates in the region.

Q: In what cases would you support efforts to raise property taxes? Please explain.

A: Even with the passing of the bond in 2018, we have been able to maintain one of the lowest tax rates in the region. If the state reduces our reimbursement for school funding, or makes changes to the state budget that affects the local budget... then we have to make adjustments that allows for a balanced budget. It has always been our practice and priority that we keep as low of a tax rate as possible. Should the need arise to raise property taxes, we use the money wisely to get the best use and return on taxpayer investment that we can. When situations change that allow us to lower a tax rate when a need has been met, we do so. Canyon ISD belongs to the people of the district and it is funded with taxpayer dollars that we all work hard for. It is top priority to always use money wisely.

Q: What is an issue you believe has gone overlooked in your race and how will you address it if elected?

A: I have served in many capacities of community service over the years, and my service to Canyon ISD as a board member has been by far the most satisfying of them all. Our current board is truly an Exceptional Team that works well together. Not a single one of us serve because of a personal agenda, a pet project, group, or school that we are most fond of. Every one of us serve because we want ALL STUDENTS of Canyon ISD to be successful. We want ALL STUDENTS to be well prepared to graduate and go on to do great things to help them be great citizens wherever they go doing whatever they set their minds to do. I will continue to praise and encourage our Teachers, Administrators, Staff, and Students every chance I get. Preparing students to face a future of Lifelong success is no easy task... and there's so much that goes on to educate, inspire, and nurture a student to be ready to face the world after graduation that so many key players in the process are often taken for granted by the majority of the public. We have a Great Team at Canyon ISD and I'm glad to be part of it!

Q: Why are you the best candidate for voters to support for this position?

A: Serving on the board of Canyon ISD is certainly not about ME... but my career as a CPA, School District Auditor, and Financial Advisor has provided me with invaluable experience that allows me to manage well, budget well, and plan well. I have a vested interest in CISD as my son is a Junior at Randall High, and my daughter graduated from Randall High in 2018. Both of my kids have benefitted from the culture of excellence that is Canyon ISD since their years in Kindergarten at Arden Road Elementary. I love seeing our students across the district do incredible things that make us all proud. I love mentoring students and having conversations that help them dream big and realize that YES they can... and then seeing them go do it. It's Not About Me. It's about the Kids. I love being part of a team that is providing a foundation from which they can go on to do greater things!

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Matt Parker - Canyon ISD Board of Trustees, Place 5